old Ch 25:

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Simha sat down by the door staring across at Klesa. Klesa stared back, for almost an hour they just sat their staring at each other. "Why are you wearing skin tight cloths?"

"Because it's hotter this way. Just look at me, my body is meant to be admired, putting baggy or lose clothing on would only hid my perfect body." Simha said while running his hands across his long blond hair.

"So, how long are you going to keep me here?"

"Don't know, but why would you want to leave? You have the honor no the privilege of looking at me, oh how could you wish for me?"

"Oh yea, I for got to steal Ron's outfit, dang it."

"Wait who is Ron?"

"Oh, nothing you just reminded me of someone I met once, he had the coolest outfit ever. I think we could of been best friends forever."

"Wait, isn't Ron the name of the guy who imprisoned my daughters at TSU?"


 After a few hours an elder whispered something to Simha. "Okay, you can leave, your friend is staying here though."

"Wait, why is he staying here?"

"That is classified, if you have a problem take it up with someone who cares."

Klesa stood up and started to walk out, but stop at the door, "If a second Serpent King tries to take over the nation, I will stop him."

"You will fail Flyheight." Simha laughed.

Klesa closed his eyes for a moment, "Before coming here me and Pod was at the Old Hags." Klesa open his eyes, they where purple with a weird plus like pupil, "I will not fail."

Simha felt a chill as he stared into Klesa eyes, "Mars." he whispered.

Klesa left, as he was stepping outside, the man with long red hair who was the murder suspect walked by him into the temple. Klesa stared at him till he vanished into the temple. Behind Klesa a ANBU grabbed his shoulder. "Ahhh!"

"You shouldn't scream like a girl. Why where you here, don't tell me you where investigating the murder."

"No, my friend had business here, and seem he is under the Orders care now. Did you find out anything from following him?"

"That's classified, however you and all others on this murder case are dismissed, the investigation has been closed."

"Wait, do you catch the murder?"

"Classified." With that the ANBU jumped up and vanished.


Cold sweat dripped down Klesa chilled spine. A voice he hasn't heard in a long time put him in total fear. Turning around, Klesa stared hard at the towering man in-front of him. "Hello father."

"It is you. Are you here for a mission or maybe apologize for stealing one of my grand spirits? Or maybe your here to try and kill me again?" Klesa father laughed.

"I know the truth of how my mother died."

Shocked, tears feel from his face, hugging onto Klease, "Oh, I'm so sorry! My poor boy." he yelled crying and smouldering Kleas in his arms, "It was so hard to play the bad guy just so you wouldn't blame your self. I'm missed this so much. I love you my pretty pretty boy." By now Klesa has passed out from lack of oxygen.

Hours latter Klesa awakes in his old bed, "Ouch." he whispered.

"Oh your up!" his father yelled jumping onto Klesa, "I'm so happy to have you here again."

"Bout    to pa    out!"

"Oh, yea sorry." he said loosening his grip, "I just missed my little boy so much, and when I heard what you did at TSU, and that you have your mothers curse, and your first big mission. Oh my poor boy why do you make me worry my pretty boy." He cried snuggling Klesa with his face.

"This is weird, can you stop it?"

"Oh," he siad jumping back while crying, "my boy is too old for hugs now, I missed your best years! Why did you grow up! I want my baby back."

"You for real? Seriously? The whole years of hate and pain and sorrow you put me trough was just some act?"

"It was so you wouldn't blame yourself, you tried to do a good thing, it was for you my pretty boy."

"Seriously stop, it's just scary."

whipping his tears from his face, "I'm sorry. Your just so cute, like a pretty little girl I just want to play with you and dress you up and hug you all day long."

"Touch me and die."

"Pss, you couldn't even rip a hair from my body."

Klesa stood up tossing the covers off him, then realized he was naked, and quickly grabbed them to cover himself, "Why am I naked!"

Looking away, "Well it's been so long I thought I should take the chance to bath you like I use to. It's just been too long since we bonded." Jumping and hugging Klesa, "Oh lets take a bath together now, we can talk about our lives, and about girls, and then wash each others backs."

"No!" Klesa yelled trying to push his dad off, "I'm leaving where are my cloths!"

"No, you cant leave yet my pretty boy, we need to bond first. Why are you being so cruel to me?"

"Because I hate you!"

Jumping back, "Oh what have I done to deserve this? Have I not always done my best for you?" He cried.

Looking around Klesa seen his clothing on a dresser, grabbing them he put them on. "I don't have time for this right now."

"Time, but family should come first."

"Yea, like telling me the truth about why you kept mother tied up with slaves?"

"Your mother asked me not to tell you."

"Sure she did, and another thing even if you didn't kill her, you still run the countries slave trade and you are a war profiteer among other things."

"You do realize your mother was too right?"

Klesa turned around and jumped at his father punching him, almost breaking his hand in the process. "Lier!"

Standing up Klesa father unleashed a small fraction of his chakra, klesa feel down to the floor from it's immense pressure, "Your mother was vary important to me, I would never say a lie about her, she was a great person. We might of run unsavory businesses but we never did anything illegal."

"That's    be-because you make the laws."

"Huh, got me their." Stopping from unleashing his chakra, "Fine, you may go, I'm done with you for now."

Coughing, "No, where done forever!" Klesa yelled as he stumbled up running off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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