Ch 1: Awakening Chakra (edited on 6-8-13)

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Klesa, a young sixteen year old boy who decided to walk the path of a government endorsed shinobi for the Hidden Village of Current, stands before the doors of The Shinobi University, TSU, where regardless of ones country all government endorsed ninja start their training. Uneasy feelings swelled with in Klesa, stomach turning as he felt excited to enter TSU. A whisper from the back of his head said "move", a voice he has heard many times. Once upon a time the voice use to startle him, even scare him, but a time long past. Klesa places his hands on the doors, thinking "here I go." Pushing on the doors didn't seem to work as they did not budge an inch. His face, beat red, after a few moments started to drip with sweat as he put all his strength into it.

Behind him walked up another young boy, who stopped, and then looked up, "You do see that sign up there that say pull, right?"

Klesa looked up then back at the other boy annoyed, "Um...yea, I know haha. Just bored." Klesa said with a red face. Pulling on the door handles the door opened effortlessly.

"Sure you did." the boy said as he walked past Klesa entering TSU.

"What ever." Klesa whispered as he waited for a few minutes, so that the other boy could get ahead of him, then walked inside. TSU was a strong hold made to protect students from outlaws and many other dangers, from the outside it was just a small rectangular box, no bigger then a phone booth, covered in weeds and vines with two small doors. But, once you walk into the box you are transported to a tropical island where few actually know of it's location. Once you walk onto the island the first thing you see is a sign which says: Welcome to TSU, take the middle path for the Shinobi beginners University, right Path for the Anbu Boot Camp, and left for the Medical Corps Academy. Wrote in dried blood at the bottom it "Only corpse and Ninjas leave here, run now before it's to late."

Klesa, only reading up to "take the middle path" walks up the path, surrounded by tropical trees and plants, behind him the entrance and doors vanish. Walking for what seemed like hours, Klesa finally reaches a building with Administration written on it. Behind a desk a lady was reading a magazine with little care towards Klesa who walked up and said, "Hi, I'm here as a new student for the village Current." Klesa waited and said hello several times but the lady didn't budge or pay any attention to him. Growing impatient from being ignore, Klesa yelled, "Hey, I'm..." Suddenly Klesa was on the ground face first, one of his arms behind his back and a kunai(ninja knife like weapon) pressed against his neck. "Uhhhh..."

"Shut up kid." The women said holding Klesa down on the floor. "You wont make it far if you make me angry, I was reading you brat."

Klesa heard of how ninjas where faster and stronger then normal people but not even seeing her move filled Klesa with not fear and terror, but excitement. Excitement of what this place can help him become. "I'm sorry." Klesa said earnestly.

"That's better." Letting him go the women returned behind the desk, "Now how can I help you?" See said with a malicious smile. "New student I presume."

Standing up Klesa swallowed hard, "Yes, I am Klesa Raga Flyheight."

"Flyheight?" The women said with some shock and annoyance, "I am deeply sorry for my rudeness earlier. Here is a manual book and a folder with general academy information. Now, please take the door to your left to get your chakra awaken." She said with a bit lib.

"Thank you." Klesa took the book and folder and headed towards the door. The second he walked in a man grabbed him, the man was shirtless and had scars all over his pale skin. Ripping Klesa's cloths off the man tossed him on a medical bed. Klesa was about to jump up but the man placed a finger on his arm, and Klesa became paralyzed.

"Shhh, it's okay boy I am just going to insert a part of me into you." Klesa, trying to move and yell but unable to. "Heh hee, not as bad as it sounds, I love that look though." the man laughed. Smiling the man face suddenly looked darker and more serious, his voice became low almost like a whisper as he places a finger on Klesa stomach. "Tenketsu one," Klesa felt a burning sensation and a pressure building up in his stomach. "two, three, four," the man counted as he skimmed his finger over different parts of Klesa body. Each sudden stop felt like sudden burst of fire borrowing into Klesa skin, tears purred out of Klesa's eyes as he desperately tried to move. Lastly the man placed his finger on Klesa's heart, "361 lock." Klesa started to suffocate, then felt his lungs overflowing with air. Colors danced all around him, new sensations overflowed Klesa senses . Hot then cold, everything looked so bright then suddenly dark. Blood dripped from Klesa's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. "Hang in their boy not done yet." The man said holding his hand over Klesa head on the left side, "first Gate: Opening," then right right side, "Second Gate: Healing" then going from the throat down till he finally stops over Klesa's heart, "Eight Gate: Death". The burning sensation turned into a ripping and pounding feeling, pain and pleasure overflowed from every cell in Klesa body till he became numb, unable to feel anything.

"Ok you can move now, how do you feel?" the man laughed with his cheerful face returned to normal.

Klesa, after twenty minuets of gaining and losing conciseness, turned over falling on the floor coughing up a little blood, a final sensation of heat rushed over him then everything returned to normal, yet somehow different. "Wa...what did you do to me?"

"Good question, read the manual when you get to your dorm room you newb." The man laughed pointing to a door to his left, "Oh and here." tossing a bag towards Klesa, "Academy Uniform."

Klesa was dizzy, as he stumbled out of the room, behind and out side the administration office was seven paths that lead to seven large dorms, one of which was abandon looking. Klesa tried to make it down the path for Current students, but before the door behind him even closed, he passed out.

The man from before called for a student medic to come and take Klesa to his dorm. After an hour of being passed out on the cement path, the medic finally got there and took Klesa to his dorm room. Klesa woke up for a few seconds as the medic tossed him on the rooms floor and then left. Klesa could see two others in her room, but couldn't make either of them out as his eyes keep making everything look vary far away and then suddenly could see what he thought where their cells. Sounds, overwhelmed him for those few seconds, he could hear a ant walking on the cement, he thought he could hear everything on the island till he vomited then passed out in it.

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