old Ch 17: First Real Mission

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Three months have pass since the genin exam. All the young genin; Pod, Quin, Stella, Pure, Klesa, Sky, Sise, Montana, and Drake decided to join the guild Crow run by Haze. All of them have preformed many little missions ranging from watching children to cleaning up the streets. Sky even spent four days cleaning the sewers. These so called missions where unexciting, however paid well. So far all of them have been able to live comfortable lives, better then most people in he entire county lived, but on their training fronts Klesa and Sky felt like they where making no improvements. For week they been asking their sensei to recommend them for more real missions. Finally their wish was granted. Sky and Klesa where mediating in the guilds run down lobby when Zan came in. "Hey kids, where is Sise?"

"Probably sleeping." Klesa answered.

"Take me to his room then, got a missions for the three of you." Klesa jumped up with joy and lead them to Sise room. Once they woke him up, "Okay, so a small rebel force has declared it's separation and independence from Wind County. The area they claim as theirs is a large village, none of them should have ninja training, however their leader is a bender and...."

"What exactly is a bender?" Klesa interrupted.

"A bender is someone who can use elemental powers with out using chakra. Usually something your born with, however it's possible to learn one of the four base bender elements, but require a lot of training, or spiritual power."

"So whats different is the mixing of physical energy." Sky commented.

"Exactly, which also means you can use it more then chakra that you make then turn into the element. Less steps our body has to do, and since it doesn't use your physical energy, it wears you out less."

"But, before you interrupted me, their is one other issue, the village had a Flyheight weapons factory that specialized in chakra weapons, mainly swords that store chakra in them, and once released could keep a blade of pure chakra up for twenty-four hours. When the rebels attacked they somehow broke into the factory first and killed the workers that made the weapons, where guessing it was a inside job. We where given the easement that there is about one hundred rebels and well lets say they aren't gong to run out of weapons from that factory anytime soon. Strangely their was a order placed for a large amount of weapons, paid upfront, by a outlaw faction in the Frost country, however after some investigation it is now believe the person that paid the factory wasn't involved with them."

"Wait, why would they sell weapons to any kind of outlaws to begin with?" Sky said in discuss.

"Because they can. Flyheight's are nobility and the second highest family right under the royal family. They want to sell to outlaws they will."

"That's just sick and putrid."

"Sky..." Klesa started, his fist shaking at his side.

"I know, sorry for interrupting you Sensei."

"It's fine, not everyone likes it, but just remember, in this world the rights belong to the strong only. Anyways, your mission is to kill all the rebels, and if possible capture their leader, and see if you can find any information about the man that made the weapon order. Your allowed to do as you see fit in the village as you are carrying out your mission and the Kage has pardon you from any acts you may carry out during."

"So, this is the so called real mission we been waiting for." Klesa said looking down, hiding his clenched teeth and enraged expression."

"You picked the wrong career if you cant handle something like this. Want to know what my first so called real mission was?"

"What?" Sise asked.

A pained expression flashed on their usually clam and serious sensei. "It was a population control missions. I was sent to New Tech City to kill five hundred people that lived in the slums around the outskirts. Ninjas are the people who are paid to do the dirty work in the country. Now, while you go do your mission, me and a few other Jounin will guard the surroundings and kill anyone rebels that tries to escape. One last thing, in four months is the Chuunin exam, this mission is how you will prove you deserve to take it. Now dismiss."

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