Working together (P8)

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~💙~ G.T

It was late at night, and i was scrolling on tiktok before i told Sabito that;

"Tokyo is still boring as ever, New York was so much better." 

"Do you even remember why you came back?" sabito answered as he turned around to look at me.

"Come to think of it... No."I responded

"I remember you telling me that you were gonna come back to Tokyo for some girl?" He asked.

"...I did?" I said.

"Yeah bro, you also said something like how she had the most beautiful purple eyes." He raised his eyebrows.

"Did i ever tell you her name?" i questioned 

"Pretty sure you did but i can't remember." he shrugged.

"Well thanks a lot Sabito." i scoffed

"It was like 6 years ago since you told me giyuu, calm down." he said before turning back around

I need to figure out who this girl is...

~💜~ S.K

it was the next day, and i honestly cant stop thinking about him. Why can't he just remember me? Is his brain that small or something?.. You know what, I'm just going to get ready for work and just focus on my job. 

I got ready and drove over to my work. I then remembered that plan i had to figure out so me and Giyuu can go gather intel from that guys office. We are going to pretend we are going there for a job interview, and gonna talk with his boss. If it goes right, He's gonna have to leave for a little and that will give us a chance to go over to the attackers work area, scatter through his stuff and see any future plans. 

I arrived at my work after a 20 minute drive and Chief Oyakata was waiting for me, and some others (including giyuu) 

"Alright shinobu, please share what your plan is for this mission." he said

"Okay then- I think the best thing to do would to act like we wanna get a job at the guys office, so i applied for a job interview that is starting later today. We have people on our side that works there, so they are going to make a distraction for us so we could search through his things and gather intel." i explained 

"Excellent shinobu! Alright, i leave it to you guys now. If anything goes wrong you will have backup." he complimented 

"Thank you Oyakata." i answered

I left the room as Giyuu followed, I walked over to my desk and sat down- Giyuu stood by me.

"When does the interview start?" He asked

"2:30 p.m." i responded 

"Oh alright." he said.

I looked up from my work and turned to giyuu, finding him staring at me. but not into my eyes. Instead he was looking at my chest- with a lustful gaze. 

"Tomioka, My eyes are up here."  I spoke. Im not lying, inside me i am screaming and blushing. But- why would he even-

"I know." he answered as his eyes slowly went up to stare into my eyes instead. With a smug grin put on his face. 

"You airhead." I responded. its taking everything in me to not get on top of him and kiss him like theres no tomorrow.. but you know, I'm at work. I just remembered- i used to call him that when we were younger..         

Enemies to lovers - A giyushino storyWhere stories live. Discover now