1. Terros

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I stretch big and look out the window. Both suns are rising in the deep orange sky. It's going to be a hot day.

"Come on princess. It's time to get up." Kina starts tickling my foot. "Final day of exams. Then you are done completely. You never have to go back to school."

I pull my feet back under the covers, "10 more minutes."

"Nope. I'm going to have the servants fill the bath. Get up and pick out a dress."

I throw the blankets off me, "Fine."

"I figured you would be in the best mood ever today. School is finally over." She picks up some laundry and heads for the bathroom.

I stand up and stretch big. I mutter, "Yea, now I get to go be queen forever. I don't even have a king yet." under my breath. She can think whatever she wants though, I am making it to the end of the year party. Even if I have to sneak out.

I pick out a pretty yellow dress. It's a typical floor length princess dress. Tight on top and huge on bottom. Then I grab some matching shoulder high gloves. That will be good for today.

7 hours later I walk back in my apartment with Kailia. She's the only friend I've managed to make in the last 25 years at this school. Both of us pull the veils off our heads and plop down on the couch.

"We should take a vacation now and tour the world. Maybe we can get lucky and find our mates out there somewhere. They're obviously not looking for us."

"Yea, I thought for sure I would find mine during school. I was really looking forward to finding my king."

"He's probably older and more mature... or his mom swallowed him."

We both crack up laughing so hard.

"What's so funny girls?"

"Nothing Kina."

"Alickina, would you let Mayra go on a world tour with me? Maybe we can find our mates, the idiots are both lost."

I smile at Kina. "I really have always wanted to see the floating mountains in the deep south."

"They will come to you at the perfect time. You can not rush it." Kina starts shoving stuff in boxes. "And she won't be able to go on a world vacation from the throne."

Kailia's eyes about pop out of her head. "YOU'RE TAKING THE THRONE NOW?"

I can't help but laugh. "Nice job Kina."

"Sorry, she asked me while I was side tracked." Kina runs off into the bathroom.

I shake my head a bit. "Yes I am. My father is ready to be done. He's ruled for thousands of years. I think my parents figured I would find my mate while I'm here as well. But I didn't. So, I'm just going to rule alone until HIS PERFECT TIME." I yell the last part down the hallway. 

She sits back and stares at me for a second. "Yea, you'll be fine. You're smart and strong. If you need a vacation or some help, just send for me. I'll come and help you put all the boys in their places."

I chuckle, "Actually I'm getting crowned in 3 days, you can move in then. I'll make you an advisor."


"Yes. Everyone else at the table are old men. I need someone more in touch with reality there."

"Yea, I get that. So did you find out anything new with that rumor?"

"The rumor where I own a spaceship and I'm really an alien. Or the rumor that I'm just a normal girl pretending to be a princess?"

She cracks up laughing. "The rumor about the hidden treasure being revealed to you after you graduate."

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