71. Queen of Queens Kehlani

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I fly as fast as I can. I hear another boom and look back. It shocks me. The ship is still landing and all the war ships are flying out of it. It's amazing to watch. The shuttle bay door is completely blown off. There's fire shooting out of the ship right above that. I turn and fly towards Urie again. 

After a minute I see about 20 warships landed by a shuttle. They're all on the ground, out of their ships. 

I land by Alden and Urie. Alden puts his arm right around me. "I gave you the feather for a reason woman. Answer it."

"Sorry that was a lot."

"I know." He kisses my head.

"Is everyone here?"

Nadine comes over and steals Urie from Alden. "You 2 are going to squish him. But yes, we're all on the ground. Alden told us all to land here."

"That was good thinking."

Alden hugs me so tight, "Scared the hell out of me baby."

"Me too love. At least everyone is safe."

Dipak comes over to us, "So what now?"

"We wait on my other ship to get here. I sent us 2 war carriers, a medical carrier, and my new ship. I watched my ship landing. It was blowing fire out of it and part of it was blown apart."

"Damn. How did you get out?"

"Command area windows all flew out. The brain did it and told me to fly now. I really think it would have thrown me out the window if I argued."

Dipak nods, "Probably. Do you know what started the fire?"

"No idea. It was in the shuttle bay is all I know. 1 of the explosions was so bad it nearly knocked me over."

Alden kisses my head and squeezes me, "We'll get all the logs when the other ships get here. How far out were they?"

"I didn't ask."

"It's ok. We'll figure it out soon enough."

Victor stretches, "I need to piss anyways."

"Go find a tree."

"You picked the 1 planet without any tree's woman."

I glance around and laugh. The most green I see is some moss on rocks. And there are rocks of all sizes everywhere. Everything else is dirt. "I didn't pick it. Alden did."

"Next time remember trees. They give shade."

"They also bring life."

Tera smiles, "Let's all take a minute and be thankful we're not being chased by dinosaurs right now."

We all laugh and Victor smirks, "That is true. I guess this is the perfect planet to have a break down on."

I give Alden another hug and a rock catches my eye. It moves slightly. I stare at it and it moves again. I climb right up the front of him.

"What?" He turns around and starts searching. "What did you see baby? There is nothing here."

I stare at the rock and shake.

I hear Dipak, "She seen something."

"Yea she did." Alden rubs my back. "What was it baby?"

"The rock moved."

Ella grabs Urie and gets in the shuttle. 

Nadine comes over watching where I am. It moves again and I hold Alden so tight. She goes right up the front of Tobias and holds on. 

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