24. Alien Parasite

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The 4 of us sit down at the conference table in the command room. 

Alden starts going threw papers, "Tell us everything you know so far."

"We now believe the large snakes were on the planet first. They divided the planet into sections and they each lived in their section. 12 snakes, 1 planet. When the snakes evolved, humans were not on the planet yet. It is unknown how long they survived alone on the planet. However, an alien parasite was then presented. The parasites found 12 suitable hosts. The rest of the parasites would have perished at that point."

Victor puts his hand up, "So the 12 hosts were the 12 snakes?"

"Correct sir. The snakes were a perfect host to the parasites. Similar in genetic makeup and had no natural predators. When the large snake was nearing its death, they would come together and breed. However, it was not the snakes breeding material that was being passed on. Half of the dna transferred was parasitic. Meaning, the snakes would be born with the new parasite already inside of them. We believe controlling them."

Tobias raises his hand, "Slower please."

"The 2 snakes would breed and form a baby snake. The parasite inside the adult snake, would take a bit of the sperm and use it to reproduce itself. Then inserting the reproduction of the parasite into the baby snake before it would be born."

Tobias turns all green.


His eyes are so big and I think he might fall over.

"A human baby was not conceived. However, the parasite used the sperm of Tobias to reproduce itself. The parasite was then set free in the woman once it was strong enough. It was able to escape after several hours. We believe it was searching for a host for itself."

Tobias finally speaks again, "The parasite was in her? I had no idea. How is that even possible?"

"We have the woman and are investigating currently."

Victor rubs his eyes, "You're a dad."

"Dad to a alien snake thing." Tobias still seems like he might puke or fall over.

Then a woman shows up floating above the table in the red lasers. She turns to color as we all stand up. She's naked and floating face down. It's not the girl who died. This seems like a model of a woman.

"The parasite can enter a human threw any hole. If 1 is not available, they can punch threw soft tissue with their heads. Once they enter the human body, they make their way to the base of the brain." We watch a snake creature enter the woman's side and crawl inside her body up to her brain. "Here, they attach to the host and take over. This process can take hours to days to complete. We believe the human host dies during this process. Certain changes maybe present to outside people. For example Tobias said she turned yellow. This could have been when the parasite fully took over. Did she speak or communicate after that sir?"

"No. She just wanted sex."

"That would have been the parasite. They would not know our communications. Only basic survival needs and instincts are known. Sex, food, water, shelter, warmth, etc. We believe the particular parasite in the girl was injured when it's original host died. It was trying to reproduce as fast as possible. It succeeded when it received sperm. The offspring was then left alone in the woman's stomach because there was no baby to attach it to. However after 6 hours, it began eating her and found its way out. It was then exterminated."

I stand up, walk to the trash can slowly, then throw up in it. Tobias won't pick his head up off the table. Alden is rubbing his eyes. 

Victor is trying not to laugh. He smiles at Tobias when he lifts his head up. "Congratulations. It's an alien parasite."

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