Part 21

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Gemini and his friends is now drinking while waiting for the three besties to arrive and as soon as Gemini turn his head to the window he saw fourth winny and ford walked in wearing tight black jeans and a crop jacket as their shirt showing their waist white skin brightly. Fourth was the showy one he wore a black crop jacket showing his chest a bit with necklace handing down while his waist was expose to the whole world as the black no need to comment let's just say attractive and sexy. The three of them were the center of attention as they are freaking sexy and pretty everyone was staring at them as they walk in and chimon hurriedly come and hug them as they miss each other so much. 

Chimon: Come I already prepare a table

Satang: see what I'm saying chimon already know they are coming

Perth: I do too

Gemini: Oww and you kept quiet

Perth: You already guess that they would come here so why the need for me to tell? Also I was also threatened to not to tell you he called me and scold me for bringing you guys here lucky enough he didn't tell them or else we would have been kicked out a long time ago

Satang: I don't remember winny has this kind of outfit

Gemini: Same as mine but I can't denied though that they slay that outfit but I still I don't want others to look

Perth: Too late everyone eyes are on them just be patient phern you can't do anything right now

The three little guys drinking and dancing like crazy as well as chimon but pity the 2 guys that was looking at them from the top floor didn't dare to approach them. When they notice that they are now drunk Gemini mark Satang and Perth decide to go down. Perth approached chimon and excuse themselves to go home as well as  Satang who struggle to drag winny drunk ass as he kick and hit Satang badly but Satang just pick him up with his head hung down and go to his car while getting beat up. There's only 2 left with is ford and fourth. Gemini and Mark let out a long sighed before turning to each other

Gemini: Mark my friend help me with ford please

Mark: As if I have a choice come on ford I will take you home

Ford: Huh? Who are you?

Mark: I'm mark come on you are drunk and I'm not wasting my time just to talk nonsense

He then drag ford up and take him to his car. Now Gemini is the only one that still hesitate to walk toward fourth but he make a move as he walk closer

Gemini: Baby...let's go home

As soon as fourth heard Gemini call him he turn his face up staring at Gemini making Gemini stop his movement right away

Gemini: Baby...I'm here to take you home

Fourth: Shut up! Who ask you to come here?

Gemini: No one I'm worried abou...

Fourth: who allowed you to talk?

Fourth point at Gemini and glare at him deathly making Gemini shut up immediately but slowly walk toward fourth when he finally stand in front of fourth he lean down and put his hand on fourth cheek

Gemini: I'm sorry baby come on let's go home naa

Fourth: No don't touch me go and touch that girl that touch your hand what's her name again?..oh Kelly! What a slut...khun gemini help Kelly ewww I wanna puke

Gemini: I already cut the contract between us baby I'm really sorry

Fourth: Really?

Gemini: Yes baby I already cut the contract and will not see her ever again

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