Part 26

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Gemini: Ai'mark?? What are you doing here?

Mark: ohh I'm here to dance

Gemini: ai sat I'm being serious

Mark: for business of course or else what for?

Gemini: what about it ?

Mark: I wanna booked a whole hotel for my guest as I'm going to throw a showroom party for my upcoming cars

Gemini: Umm sounds great then I will get going I have meeting later you talk with fourth

Mark: err

Gemini: baby I'll go now naa I'll pick you up later

Fourth: Khub

After Gemini left fourth sat down next to mark on the sofa looking pale and exhausted

Mark: where did you go and do looking so exhausted?

Fourth:No where I was working here this morning and Gemini took me out for lunch and walk around the mall a bit that's all

Mark: better take care fo yourself well fourth you don't want it to get worst

Fourth: I know phi I'm trying it's just that these days..Urg never mind so are you really here for business or just to visit me?

Mark: well both and I bought you dessert I already put it in the mini fridge

Fourth: thank you phi so where do you want to do your showroom ?

Mark: Can it be in the middle of the city? Like somewhere that people can get there easy and a good place

Fourth: yeah I have one in the middle of the city with nice hall and the rooms have nice view and great service of course

Mark: Okay you prepare for me I will hold it in the next two weeks and all of our friends are invited you can go and see the new models if interested I can give you one

Fourth: Ohho really phi? Why don't you give me before you put on show so it will be a special one for your nong haha

Mark: sure why not

Fourth: hah..huh? I'm kidding phi

Mark: But I'm not just wait and I will ask someone drive to your house next week

Fourth: need phi

Mark: I insist considered as another deal for using your hotel

Fourth: fine then I can't really reject you can I?

Mark just smile and shrug his shoulders making fourth shake his head before stand up walking to his desk

Mark: lots of works these days?

Fourth: not really just some stressful problem but it will be solve I already give it to prom to dig into it

Mark: umm..take care then i will get going nong fourth

Fourth: Khub phi safe ride and thank you for the dessert

Mark: Khub nong


Fourth : come in

Prom open the door and walk in with several paper in his hand

Prom: boss I search it up and it turns out that the guy was paid to stole boss information

Fourth: my information?

Prom: Khub I have captured him and questioned him with punishment and he confessed

Fourth: tell me more

Prom: he was paid to report all of your daily habit like where you went what you do and anyone you meet stud like this, it's kind of like stalking

Fourth: and who's behind?

Prom: it's the Srisrang

Fourth: the Srisrang?

Prom: They are in an illegal pack of mafia that only does horrible things and Srisrang is one of the worst. The leader was Charm Srisrang and he's also the one that I saw at the cafe too

Fourth: keep a track on Charm Srisrang and find out more about them and if possible catch him I hate stalker

Prom: Khub boss and please be careful these days because we're not sure about their intentions so better be careful

Fourth: umm I know you get more guard and pay attention to our company files and our goods that need to import make sure there will be no problem

Prom:Yes boss I will take care of it

Fourth: do you have any picture of that charm guy?

Prom; yes boss here this is him

Prom place a picture on the desk for fourth

Fourth: um..and don't tell anyone about it not even Gemini and my parents

Prom: Khub boss

Fourth: you may leave

Prom: Khub

Prom bowed down before go out of the office

Fourth: Charm Srisrang...what are you up to?

Fourth spoke to himself let out long sighed and deep breathe placing himself to the back of the chair staring deep at the picture on the table seemingly to have something in his mind

A few hour later

Phone rang caught fourth attentions that was reading something from his document to gaze at the phone screen to see who's calling him and the moment he sees it he let out a smile immediately

Fourth: hello p'gem

Gemini: baby you done? I'm picking you up

Fourth: not yet but come I will be quick

Gemini: take times I'll wait for you in the office is fine

Fourth: Khubb see you

Gemini: Khub baby

Fourth hang up the phone and swift his attention back to his works he want to finished it quickly so that he can leave with Gemini and get home fast. He's tired and want to sleep

Around 10mn Gemini arrives as he walks into fourth office smiling at fourth sweetly and give a peck on fourth's cheek with him placing himself to the corner of the table looking at fourth's working mood

Gemini: you're hot baby

Fourth: ha..huh?

Gemini: I said you're hot with this serious mood

Fourth: shut up not a time to say these

Gemini: what? You like it and can't focus?

Fourth: P'gem....

Gemini: ahh ahh I will keep silent and wait for you okay

Fourth: Khub..anyway p'gem how about this new year eve we go to Switzerland together? I wanna travel

Gemini: Sure baby I will clear my schedule we can go there as long as you want

Fourth: hehe I love you

Gemini: I love you too baby

Gemini said it with his eyes looking at fourth adoringly. He just knows how to make his heart melt by those little gesture.

Sorry for the boring storyline and late update I've been quite stress out and kinda out of idea how to put in the plot I planned out so bear with it for a while please 🥹🙏

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