Part 16

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It's the last day of their trip and today they wake up pretty early to go to the market near the resort which sell different kinds of things souvenirs food dessert clothing and lots more stuff.

Fourth was so excited when he came across a store that does customize things such as T-shirts, bracelets necklaces and phone cases and of course he has to drag Gemini and did the phone case customizing. Fourth painted a cute toothbrush with a heart and a name fotfot on the case along with a phone charm he also make it himself and give it to Gemini and Gemini did the same painted a sunflower with a heart and a name Gemini on the case along with a charm that fourth force him to do as well. As for others they also did some stuff for their lovers except ford and mark who made their own bracelet. After done at the shop they continue to visit other different store and food.

Fourth: Ohh p'gem get me the cotton candy i want it

Gemini: Okay wait

Ford: Fourth you are still literally chewing on your strawberry and your left hand is hold a box of mochi

Winny: Yeah finish it first

Fourth: No I want the cotton candy I will finish it later

Gemini: Just wait baby

Fourth: Khubbb

Satang: win here I got this for you it's your favorite

Chimon: Ohh where did you get it ?

Satang: At the stall over there

Perth: It's chimon favorite too I will get it for you

Chimon: let's find a bench to sit on and finish the snack first

Ford: Yeahh

Satang: Anyway where's Mark?

Winny: Oww he seems to disappear...ohh there he is

Mark walking toward them together with Gemini and stop in front of fourth while Gemini give the cotton candy to fourth and mark give ice cream to fourth

Gemini: Here baby a sunflower shape to just like you

Fourth: aww thank youuu

Mark: Err nong fourth I heard you like ice cream and saw they have the chocolate ice cream over there so I got it for you

Fourth: Thank you khub phi

Everyone looking at mark confuse but decided to not saying anything as they thought mark also pampered fourth like they all did not knowing there's someone looking quite upset.

Chimon: Look how you gonna finish all of that

Fourth: Don't worry khub just sit here and relax a bit I will finish it all right away see I have finished my strawberry and mochi and I will finish the ice cream before it melt then the last one will be cotton candy

Winny: You sure it's the last one?

Fourth: I was talking about the last one in my hand

Ford: Right...fourth be careful not to get fat

Fourth: Heyy I won't okayy you talking as if you aren't chewing on that sticky candy full of 100kilograms of sugar

Ford: I won't I have my secret

Perth: Come on come on enough with the arguing we're still half way of the market here

Fourth: I'm feeling lazy already

Gemini: I will give you a piggy back ride

Fourth: um...let's see if I'm tired

Chimon: You done? Let's go

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