Part 29

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Fourth is now on his way to the hospital with mark as for his friends they are going separately and agreed to meet up at the hospital. Mark saw the tension in fourth's eyes knowing he's really nervous so he put his hand on fourth's hand and squeeze it gently to ensure fourth that everything gonna be fine.

Mark: It's okay na nong fourth it will go well you will be healed

Fourth: Khub phi thank you for being next to me

Mark: Khub nong, if you want to share anything or want to vent anything out or any help just feel free to seek from me, I will always be here

Mark smiles at fourth warmly and fourth smiles back and nodded his head as he accepted it

At the hospital

Dunk: Fotfot baby I'm worried sick about you

Fourth: I'm fine papa I'm okay

Joong: last night when I knew everything I almost fainted why my baby have to suffer this much

Fourth: Sorry daddy and papa for making both of you worried

Joong: No baby don't feel sorry naa we love you

Fourth: I love both of you too

Dunk: So when will the surgery started?

Mark: It's 15minutes from now Khub and fourth will have to change into patient's clothes and get ready

Dunk: I will be with you baby

Fourth: No it's okay papa I'm fine and it gonna goes well

Winny: don't be nervous naa we will be outside waiting for you

Chimon: yeah we will be here

Ford: get well fast and we're gonna go wasted out after that I will pay

Fourth: Ohhoo khun ford is paying then I will have to get well faster than normal

Ford: Right you must get better fast or else I will beat your ass

Ford says with his eyes full of tears that about to fall down

Fourth: Oww Oww why are you crying?

Ford: I'm just worried and nervous what can't i?

Fourth: of course of course but isn't that me that should be ?

Ford: Fuck off you gonna be fine now go get your ass in the operation room

Fourth: then I will go in now

All: okay we will be here for you

Fourth smile before taking a deep breathe and goes in.

Back to Gemini's side

Since yesterday after he asked Satang to leave him alone he's been drinking in the same room until now with bottles piled up and is everywhere. He kept drinking and drinking wondering how could he not noticing everything about fourth how could he be like this. How could he be such a trash to his precious baby. And now his baby is sick he didn't even dare to approach him. While Gemini was gulping on his drink a door open revealing Satang and Perth walking in

Perth: Are you going to drink to death here?

Gemini: what if I die here? Isn't it great that I won't have to hurt him again?

Satang: fourth loves you so much you knew it won't he be more sad if you are like this? Don't you want him back ? but just so you know if you want him back chase him ask for forgiveness not staying here and drink or else he will fall into someone else arms I'm just warning you

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