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I study myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was in its signature messy bun but as I looked at it, I felt like I needed a change. I wasn't sure what change yet but I knew maybe a cut and definitely a colour. After the last few weeks of constant chaos with the Vampire attack and then one of our friends having quadruplets, I needed some sort of change.

I did like my nice caramel coloured eyes. They were mostly brown but in the right light, they looked like melted caramel. I wasn't as tall as all of the other werewolves in my pack and family - a whole five foot one inches tall - but I didn't mind and thankfully, no one else seemed to care about it either. I sometimes felt like if I wasn't the Luna's sister, I wouldn't be so lucky.

I was different than the rest of the pack. Usually, Werewolves were able to turn at will and then on a full moon, we would all shift and go on a run together but me? I could only shift on the full moon. Again, no one held it against me.. except me. I should be able to shift whenever I wanted considering I came from a line of werewolves. Both my parents were Werewolves considering we came from an Alpha bloodline but yet, I was the dud. A partial Werewolf. It was confusing but most of the time there is usually only one Werewolf born to werewolves but given my blood line, I should have also been a full Werewolf but apparently the Moon Goddess thought I should just be half a Werewolf.

With a sigh, I let my hair out of it's bun, ignoring the scars on my wrist that were visible in the mirror. I turn and climb into the shower. It had been a while since I had cut but still, I hid them. I didn't think my sister or brother in law knew about them and if they did, they never mentioned it but I always wore long sleeves. Today was no different.

Once showered, I dress into my long sleeve black shirt that was a couple sizes too big - which I liked - and some black high rise jeans. I brush my hair and head out, ready to face the day.

I found Lisa and Alec down in the dining room, eating breakfast. They both smiled at one another as if what one of them said was funny and it made my chest hurt. I wanted that kind of love. 'Morning Rae' Alec was the one to speak first. He was the Alpha and honestly, he was a really good Alpha and brother.

'Morning' I smile back as I grab my plate. We always did a buffet style breakfast. A pile of plates sat on the table and you grabbed one and helped yourself to the loads of different dishes.

'Sleep well?' Lisa asks me. She knew that sleep did not always come to me and I feel like she could see that last night, it didn't come. No matter what I tried, there were nights where i just could not sleep. I had tried sleeping pills and most of the time, they only knocked me out for a couple of hours before I was awake again.

I grimace 'You can tell?' I ask.

'Na' Alec shakes his head sarcastically but I knew he was just trying to make me feel better 'I mean, besides the bags under your eyes and stuff' he shrugs.

'I might have gotten an hour or so' I shrug. I knew I did fall asleep at one point but I knew it wasn't for long. It was so frustrating. Some nights, I would just stay in my room, never giving up on the idea of sleep but other nights, I would wonder the house, go read on the back porch or in the living room by the fire.

'I might speak with Sally again, maybe she has something stronger for you' Lisa says. Sally was the pack doctor and she was amazing. Very busy but always finds the time for us. Perhaps it was because this was the pack house where the Alpha and Luna lived but either way, she was always lovely. I had never seen her be rude or disrespectful to any of her patients.

I simply nod and start to eat my breakfast. 'Do you have plans today?' Alec asks me after a moment. Alec was a good six foot three inches tall, the signature tanned complexion of a Werewolf with brown choppuy hair. He had a set of bright green eyes which were beautiful and a very white, straight smile. He was a very attractive man which is usually a given for any Alpha. Lisa on the other hand, she wasn't as tanned but of course she had the nice honey glow to her skin. Big blue eyes and blonde hair that waved a little - more than mine did - and she was about five foot eleven which is considered average for a Werewolf female. She of course was also stunningly beautiful and I couldn't have asked for a better duo to run this pack.

Together these two were both kind and generous but did not tolerate disrespect. Just a few weeks ago, they kicked out a pack member for disrespecting a pregnant mate and a human mate but none the less, these girls were part of the pack and she had been warned.

'Not really' I shake my head 'I think Sonny was wanting to do something, she wants to buy a gift for the babies and Jess' I explained. Jess and Sonny were the ones the other wolf had disrespected. Jess was also the one who had the quadruplets. It was insane, those pups kept multiplying. We still don't know what the hell happened.

'Alec and I have that Alpha meeting tonight, will you be okay here?' Lisa asks. Every few months, all the Alpha's across the country get together and talk about what issues they face and how they could help one another. Sometime, they host parties and invite a whole neighbouring pack over to mingle in hopes to find mates mixed in there.

I nod my head 'I always am' Our parents had died a few years ago and ever since, Alec and Lisa had acted as my guardians as well as the Alpha's of the pack. Usually there is a whole ceremony and a stepping down of the Alpha and Luna to give it to the next generation but our parents passing was so sudden and Alec and Lisa were so new to even being with one another but together, they did what they needed to and they stepped up. Of course Lisa and her Mate had always been the next in line and Alec too came from an Alphe bloodline so their reign was inevitable.

'We will be back tomorrow afternoon' Lisa reminds me 'Given how late they do these things and the whole different state of it's location' she explains.

'Sis' I laugh 'I'm good' she worried about me and it was cute.

'I'm sorry' she sighs and gives me a look, a look I knew too well. She was debating on whether or not to say anything but I knew already, she was going to say something. 'I worry about you and I'm allowed to. Just after everything that happened with that toss knuckle, you've gone a bit.. dark and I hate leaving you alone' so she did notice? Of course she did but did she know about what was under my sleeves? 'I'm really glad that Sonny came into your life'

I nod my head, listening to her concerns which of course were all valid 'Me too' I give a sad smile 'Yes, what happened was traumatic and I lost every single friend I ever had and yes, it was devestating and depressing but I really think Sonny is changing it, I like her and I know she's busy and all with Jess and Riley but it feels good to have a friend' it was true. I was instantly drawn to Sonny and maybe it was the darkness we both had that did it but I did really like her company.

'Good' my sister was satisfied.

'So, I was thinking of changing my hair' I say 'I'm not sure what yet but I want a different colour and maybe a cut' My blonde hair was half way down my back, thin and straight and it was annoying. I needed to get something done with it.

Lisa looks at my hair and nods but I could tell she was thinking of ideas for me too 'You've always had long hair so make sure you really want to cut it, I'd hate for you to regret it' she tells me.

'Hmm, I think red would look good' Alec shrugs.

'Red?' My sister almost yells 'Babe, she has blonde hair, do you know how hard red is to get out of hair? It's literally the hardest colour'

I ignore my sister and think it over and with a nod 'I think bright red'

'Rae!' My sister exclaims before shooting a glare at her laughing Mate 'You had to encourage her didn't you?'

I laugh 'Lisa, I am grown, I can dye my hair whatever colour I want'

My sister looks at me for a long moment and sighs with a nod 'I don't like it, you're a full blown adult and I hate it, I want that cute, innocent little Rae back who asked me to braid her hair every night and read her stories'

'Ugh' I grunt in distaste. I did miss the way I used to be before that toss knuckle ruined me. 'Don't remind me'

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