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I was full freaking out. I was standing wide eyed, my mouth open as far as it could trying to see if I was growing fangs and all because my eyes were as red as my hair!

'Lucius' I growl lowly because I was still aware that there was werewolves in the house and if I was too loud, I would attract unwanted attention.

'Calm down' Lucius tells me 'I don't know what is happening but you're not turning' he tells me.

'Look at my eyes' I was panicked.

He grips my face between his hands and brings his own face so close to mine that I thought he was going to kiss me again. He doesn't. He inspects my eyes and I keep mine on his. At the moment, they were just red, there was no sign of the lightening bolts. He smiles and I see a flash of the lightening which oddly calmed me. 'There, they're coming back to normal' he assures me.

He turns my head and I see in the mirror that my brown eyes were returning to normal and I let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank god' I breathe and he turns my face toward his again. 'Why do your eyes only some times storm?' I ask him as I notice the lightening gone.

'It's an emotion thing' he tells me distantly as his thumb comes out and brushes across my bottom lip. My breath caught in my throat. He dipped his head and my eyes instantly close as his lips brush mine. Once. Twice and then they pressed to mine. My lips moulded against his, moving in sync. His hands slide around to fist in my hair while mine grip onto his suit jacket for support. Way too soon, he breaks the kiss, his forehead resting on mine.

After a moment, I open my eyes and see that familiar storm looking back at me. In a way, I wish the kiss continued, I wanted him to kiss me again but at the same time, I was glad because things couldn't go any further than this. I didn't trust myself not to give in to my body around him.

Reluctantly, I step away from Lucius 'Thank you' I say clearing my throat 'For getting rid of the scars'

'Good night little wolf' he says softly before he's disappearing.


His ice cold touch never failed to leave a burning heat in it's wake and it was dangerous. Dangerous because I craved it. Dangerous because he was a Vampire. Peace treaty or not, I wasn't fully convinced I could trust his intentions with my pack.


Once again, I slept great. I almost thought it was all a dream until I checked my arm and seen my skin clear of any scaring. I double checked my eyes in the mirror before and after my shower, just to make sure they were still brown and caramel. They were.

I head down for breakfast and to my surprise, Alec wasn't down here but Lisa was. 'Morning' she smiles at me 'Sleep well?'

I nod my head 'I did actually, you?' I question. She nodded with a fond smile on her face. She was excited for something but I could tell she was conflicted 'Where's Alec?'

'He is trying to smooth things over with the Luna Pack from last night' she grimaced 'I understand not everyone is going to like the Vampire treaty but we're not asking to be friends with them, we only want peace among our people' she sighs.

'To be fair, most peace treaty's don't go beyond the piece of paper' I point out 'Neither party bothers the other and we just live together in peace'

'It used to be like that' she sighs sadly 'Before Grandpa was Alpha, there was a peace treaty but then Grandpa's cousin was Mated to a Vampire and his father lost it. That's where the war started. It had died down over the years but after what happened last month, we can't afford to go to war again'

'Wait' I frown 'A Werewolf was Mated to a Vampire?' I ask.

Lisa nods but the look on her face was grim 'It had been the only one to ever be recorded and it didn't last long, Grandpa's father killed most of the Clan including grandpa's cousin's Mate. She ended up being captured, tortured and murdered by the Clan as revenge'

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