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By the time I got down stairs, Lucius had Carl around the throat, holding him in the air.

'What the hell?' I ask. Carl wasn't alone. He had brought Jack, the Alpha of his pack and a few others who had guns, all pointed at Lucius and there was only one reason for guns.. Silver.

'Put my brother down' Jack growls, clicking the safety off his weapon.

I didn't think, I just went with it and I stood between the two 'You sure you want to do that?' I ask.

'Rae' Lisa gasps in horror.

'The nerve you have barging in here, breaking my door and bringing weapons' Alec growls.

Lucius drops Carl in a heap on the floor

'The nerve you have to think that we could ever be friends with blood suckers and not only that but you bring him to your party without warning and then he crashes my brothers date with your slut of a sister in law' Jack was pissed, he was literally spitting as he spoke but the name calling had Lucius charging quicker than anyone could blink and Jack was thrown across the foyer, smashing into the wall and leaving a large hole.

All the guns were aimed and cocked at the Vampire.

'If any of those guns go off, it will be the last thing any of you do' Alec seethes.

Jack was pulling himself up off the floor, shaking in rage which meant only one thing.. he was shifting.

'Rae' Lisa hisses, grabbing my arm.

'You will pay for that leech'

'You might want to leave love, things are about to get messy' Lucius warns me.

I didn't want to leave. I knew what was about to happen and I knew that I was no help but I didn't want to leave.

'I don't...' he snaps his head to look at me and his eyes were almost white with lightening. I nod and I let my sister pull me away. We ran down the hall way and down the stairs to the cellar where Alec often held prisoners for questioning. It used to be used for much more brutal questionings but since Alec's reign, there was a lot less blood shed down here. 'Can't you shift too? Help?' I ask my sister. There was two of them and like ten of Luke's pack.

'I can't' Lisa tells me. 'I've already called for back up' she assures me.

'What do you mean you can't?' I ask 'Alec will get over it..'

'No Rae, I can't' She grinds out. She lets out a sigh as I just stare at her, wondering what the hell she was talking about. She could shift on command like everyone else 'I'm pregnant' she says lowly.

I gasp and instantly look to her flat stomach 'What? When? How far?' I ask her.

'Can we get to the safe room first?' Lisa smiles. I nod and we continue down the long hall way of cells. Finally, we get to the large reinforced steel door and Lisa opens it with her hand print. Once we safely inside, I look to my sister.

'Spill, I want to know everything' I tell her.

'Okay so I found out a few days ago, we went to the doctor yesterday and we are nine weeks along' she smiles 'I wasn't sure how to tell you but I knew I needed to because this weekend is the full moon and I won't be shifting and then everyone would know' she says. Pregnant Werewolves weren't able to shift. Their bodies wouldn't allow it because it wasn't safe for the unborn baby.

'Oh my god, this so exciting' I breathe 'Congratulations' I tell her and pull her in for a hug 'I know the situation is crappy and all but I am so happy for you and after all this, we need to celebrate'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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