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Aaaaaa it's been too long! I'm sorry for being so inconsistent with posting, I've just been so busy :(
Anyway! Here is some akirui to make up for it. Btw this is a reaaaally long one (8000 words whaaaat)!
Also happy halloween!! i hope you all had fun today :) and i hope you enjoy this super long oneshot!!!
Requested by I_IS_A_SIMP

On a morning when the air is crisp and fresh, a morning when its conditions have been predicted correctly the week before, a morning when the scent of the grass' dew is sweet, is the morning when knights from the Five Kingdoms shall meet up to train together. It's perfect! Of course it is! An educational event like this should be held in the most beautiful weather conditions, and this morning exceeds the expectations of the weather forecasters. No one has ever seen a clearer sky. A sight so bright that it blinds the Sun itself; the poor Sun, who cannot seek refuge in a nearby cloud, has to spit out its rays of light painfully, to provide the humans with warmth and happiness, and to fulfill its faithful duty to all eight planets. That is something Akito admires about the Sun. Especially on a day like this.

His hand combs through his ginger hair, which is already warmed up by the Sun's generous rays. He feels stress. Why? Is it because his two favourite people in the world are coming on this day to see him? To assist him in training? Oh, probably. His two beloved seniors who he has huge amounts of respect for, and for who he will protect with the rest of his life. Well, he would when he becomes stronger. Right now he's the one who needs to be protected, as he's their (also beloved) junior.

It happened three years ago; a very careless time for young Akito. A long time ago, yet he still remembers every detail from that blessed day, as it was the day he decided to change his pitiful life. Not even his sister could fix his mindset. Noo one could. Until these two special senior knights saved him from a ferocious beast.

After dinner (or what was supposed to be dinner, for he was served a depressing mush of peas and potatoes as his meal, with a side of sloppy porridge) was curfew. Curfew was spent in all sorts of ways for the junior knights: reading, sparring, exploring the forest nearby, working out in the gym, and more. But senior knights were not given that freedom due to them needing to study hard for their exams. To pass so they could finally become a Loyal Knight and serve the ruler for their respective kingdom. If a knight fails their exam, they start from the basics. However, those cases are rare in Akito's kingdom. They're more heard of in the Wonder Kingdom.

Finding nothing but boredom in the activities his fellow juniors were participating in, Akito huffed and sat on the steps leading up to the cafeteria's doors. He felt his heart pump, urging him to go do something productive so he can feel tired in time for lights out. Minutes pass as he studies the activities he could do to tire himself out, but nothing seems to make his heart race in excitement. It just pumps curiously, waiting for something risky to appear that will cause Akito's eyes to shine in excitement and for his mouth to feel dry. To feel even an ounce of fear is what his heart yearns for so it can pump blood twice as fast. Because that's what the stupid organ wants.

Akito frowned and shook his head, deciding to just head to bed early. He's been ignoring his annoying heart for months now, he can continue to do it now again. But when he stood up, a sharp pain suddenly throbbed at the back of his head. He hissed in surprise and his hands immediately flew to the injured area. At the same time, his body turned to see what he had bashed his head against and saw it was just some board. Ah, the notice board.

Akito stared at it, seeing his reflection stare back at him in the glass cover, which was shielding the messy papers that were pinned everywhere on a wooden backboard. He stared at himself, noticing the agitated frown on his face along with the furrowed eyebrows. If Ena saw his face, she'd surely make fun of him and call him an angry bird or something silly.

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