6* blast off

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rin: h-how d-did you stop m-my servant

y/n: i am the overseer of this HGW and also have the power to stop servants[thank fuck that work i have no idea what I'm spotting but she seem to get it i think]

rin: s-so you like the person who in forces the rules of a war 

y/n: you do know what the HGW is correct

rin: no

y/n: you summoned a servant with out knowing 

rin: knowing what 

y/n: well it seam the masters here have no idea so it's fine I'll talk about once all the master are summoned 

rin: ? i don get it just tell me 

y/n: no 

shiro : hey y/n what going on 

y/n: well this idiot thought it would be  a good idea to summon something called a servant 

shiro: and that is 

y/n: it what he is  (pointing to berserker) girl 

rin: my names rin 

y/n: right rin make sure to bond with berserker or you will lose the HGW

rin: and you failed to tell me what the HGW is

y/n: i said never mind screw it . its a fight between 7 masters and servant you are one of those master and that is one of the servant your servant and the winners of the HGW will be aloud to have one wish grand by the holy grail  one wish for the master and one for the servant under stand

rin: ye but how do you win

y/n: ether kill all the master and servant leaving you and your servant to have the grail or just kill all the servant letting the lessor grail be summoned and only you get a wish 

rin: but i have nothing to wish for 

y/n: well to bad your apart of it now 

shiro: ok so how do i join the war

y/n: you want to join

shiro: yes

ruby and yang with Blake and other student are just baffled with what going on 

ruby: hey: y/n how did you do that 

y/n: what stop berserker wait you are berserker right (looking at berserker)

and he just nod slightly

rin: wait there different servant 

y/n: saber, archer, lancer, rider, berserker, caster and assassin are all the servant that i know are apart of the HGW

rin: right  so what do i do with him

y/n: he can disappear and reappear at will 

rin: really

y/N: yes 

as you say that berserker disappears 


you then walk back inside and go to bed 

ever just stands there in shock and the first one to head back to bed is rin and then Shiro after is Blake and people slow start heading to bed 

--rins dream--

she see Hercules  grabbing a cloth and his skin tears off showing his bones 

--rin wake up--

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