20* murderer

13 0 0


with 'riku' at beacon

as he walk around school he see Cardin picking on a girl with bunny ears and brown hair 

as he walk around school he see Cardin picking on a girl with bunny ears and brown hair 

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riku laugh evilly 

riku: well i new human were horrid but not like this 

riku runs lea in to the air kicking him in the face 

once Cardin hit the ground riku get on top of him and punches the crap out of him and after 15 minute Cardin face no longer look like face any more  

riku get up and look and velvet 

riku: you good 

velvet: y-yes

riku: great 

strange mangled weapon appear on riku arm and he stabs cardin multiple times killing him 

riku: well thali stop him permanently

velevet eyes widen in horrar and fear 

riku: now time to kill  

------with blake and rin walking in vale and go to a restrount--

they walk but are stoped 

worker: sorry but faunus aren't allowed 

rin: what

blake: just leave it there not 

rin punch the worker 

rin: let go sit down 

blake: what 

rin: come on

they sit down and another worker comes over

worker: were sorry but were not meant to serve faunus 

rin: soon you won't be able to serve any one so blake what you want 

blake: how about something with fish 

rin: sure i want a pizza 

worker: r-right i-i get right on that

rin: good 

blake: you know we could of just killed them 

rin: no that not ok 

blake: but you can punch them 

rin: well there racist they deserve it 

blake: what ever 

there food comes and they enjoy there meal 

blake: i-i kind want desert 

rin get you and sit next to blake

rin: well I'm right here 

blake: i-i have no idea how to respond to that 

rin: fine later then 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2023 ⏰

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