10* exchange

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you walk in to class  and your grated by port who has just drag a cage in to the front of the class as wiess stand at the front of the class 

port: well <your team name> it's nice of you to join use

y/n: ye i know it almost as if i wasn't here the hole school would be destroyed 

port: yes very funny m.rose please  take a sit or do you see your self more important that miss schnee demonstration

y/n: yes i absolutist do  

wiess: excuse me!

shiro: y/n is this really a good idea

y/n: don't worry and watch the show

riku,shiro and rin go to some sits while you walk down to were wiess is

y/N: you see schnee , professor no person  or entity not even ozpin is more valuable or as powerful as me 

proffeser: your confidants is-


wiess: you believe your self beater then a schnee

y/n: no i don't believe to be better then you it's just a fact that i'm better then you

shiro whisper to rin

shiro: why he acting like this

rin: i don't know but he seem kinda 

riku: like an arrogant prick

rin: yes

wiess get angry : SiR dO yOu mind realising the grim (trying to stay calm) 

then port unlock the cage and a boarbatsuk charges out


wiess: be quiet rub-

with in a sec the grim is killed and your stud over it's decomposing body 

y/n: if you think you can do that then you have the right to challenge my authority  how ever until you can do that you will never be a huntress worth any value never mind a schnee

you then walk back to you team and sit down

once class ended wiess stormed out with ruby giving chase

riku: nice y/n you got here to cry 

y/n: serves here right 

shiro: wasn't that a little harsh 

rin: i have to disagree she need to he hit with reality even if it was hard to hear she need to under stand she can just believe here family name will carry  here in life 

shiro: right 

you and your team leave the class and head to next one were cardin and jaune fight each othere so miss good witch could explain aura to the student who should have all gone to combat school were they would use aura and other combat method constantly for 4 years 

and after that class they head to lunch 

y/n: so after we finish aware school day were going to look for the other servants 

shiro: so how exactuly are we goin to fined the other-


every one look over to were the noise came form i fined cardin bulling a faunus girl

shiro: i'm going to

saber then manifests : allow me master

riku: lancer

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