1* the grail

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it is the end of a holy grail war and you wonder up to the grail and take it 

y/n: i wish to escape, escape this world to vanish i have no one miss me can you do that

the grail then rises and vanishes a and with that you are no longer in the world you once knew your now in front of a sick you look forwarded to see a mirror and it show you but you seem to be 10 years old and are in the bath room you wonder out after washing hand just encase and you see some stair going down and 3 room that look to be bedrooms you walk down the stairs and and you see a girls staring at the oven with a women who look like the older version of here

????: come on come on come on

??????: it won't be long now ruby

ruby: but why not now 

??????: i know right any way if were to impatient we won't get good cookies 

ruby: RIGHT

the small girl is crouch down still staring at the oven

??????:alright rubs i'm going to get your brothers

ruby: kay

the women then get up and walk over to the stair and see you and you freeze you look and here and she looks at you giving you a warm smile

??????:hey there y/n when did get out of bed 

y/n: ....

??????: well want a cookie


ruby then run out from the kitchen 

ruby: mommy mommy i think there done

??????:ruby there not going to be done for another 15 minute 

ruby: butt mom


ruby: fine  come y/n were going to play

you just nod and follow the girl

???????: strange he was talkative and active yesterday 

you and ruby go out side 

ruby: ok y/n  were going to play  hero's and grimm you the grimm ok

you just nod 

ruby: great she run at you and punches you 

and you punch back and she starts crying 

ruby: *crying* W-WH-WHY D-DID Y-YOU H-H-HIT M-ME *crying*

you stand there  as ruby is on the floor crying

y/n: [this is pathetic this child i guess is my sister what a pain]

then another girl who is tall then with long blond hair charge out the house


you look at here 

y/n: because she what to fight and i punch here 

yang: YOU WHAT GET OVER HERE (she run at you and grab you shirt and you lift slight of the ground) 

you look at here in the eyes 

y/n: there reason why i won the war and yet this little girl think she can beat me as well as the one on the floor you both have no right to lay a hand on me

yang: WHY YOU ARROGENT BASTERD (then star punching you in the face until you pass out)

yang was then punished dearly for that  

you then slow wake up on the sofa 

tai: summer what happened

summer: yang beat up y/n



tai: HE WHAT 

ruby stay quit 

you slow get up

summer: Y/N are you ok 

you get up and walk out the room with out any injures

yang: how are you stand i beat you up

you look at here  and you give here the most aggressive glare you could muster

you look at here  and you give here the most aggressive glare you could muster

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y/n: next time be ready to die 

every one in the from freeze 

you walk away

tai: what was that

summer stands there frozen not knowing what to do 

here sweet child so kind and forgiving lost gone , not being able to see how to help, not know what happen, how did  here child the child that would of grow up so nice and happy show a face of some one who  is a kill a murder a person who would be willy to kill his sister because she challenge his power

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