11* obsessing over a black cat

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your team is walking in vale 

shiro: so why are we in vale

rin: were searching for some master that have summoned a servant

shiro: so were walking around aimlessly

riku: well to be fear what the chance of all the master being in vale

y/n: well you see.... any way let continue an riku

y/n: riku 

you turn around and hes gone 

y/N: were he go

shiro: ...yep no idea he gone

y/n: ok rin do you mind looking for him

rin: really isn't he his own person able to do his own things

y/n: ye but he act like a child some time and also has command over a warrior who could most like kill most people in remnant   

rin: aarrrr fine but you owe me 

y/n: will do

rin then runs of 

---with riku--

he wondering the street  of vale 

riku: hey lancer were did every one go 

lancer then manifests

lancer: master there just over there 

riku: really  oh i see then

he then run of further away from them

lancer then follows :master there not-

he was cut of by riku running of 

lancer: why did i get the one that acts like a child 

after about an hour riku found a place with a sign that say junior's with a gut in a suit is standing guard

and riku walk up to him

riku: helooo

gaurd: ...

riku: can i go in 

gaurd: no your to young

riku: what if i with adult

gaurd: sorry but no

riku: fine  [fear fear fear] MOVE 

the gaurd all of a sudden starts sacking and crouch down in terror

riku: can i go in 

he nod his head rapidly

lancer is behind riku 

lancer: what did you do to him

riku: semblance

lancer: i see and so what does yours do

riku: emotionally manipulation

lancer: that a scary power

riku: yep 

they walk in to the club and sit down at a booth

lancer: so master why are we here

riku: walking around aimless y will get us no were so i thought it would be easier if we came here

lancer: [what happened to him he not acting like himself]

riku: so can you sens any servant near by

lancer: yes there is one here 

holy grail of remnant (RWBY X Fate X READER)Where stories live. Discover now