Honey Moon

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We went back to the room and ordered food, before turning on a movie. We ate and laughed before falling asleep. Traveling takes a lot out of you.

  -----------the next morning---------

"Hey baby, you sleep good?" He said as he rolled over hugging me.
We layed in bed and talked for a while before getting up to go get brunch by the beach. Today was out last day here. We had an paddleboard scheduled at noon. And our flight was at 10 o clock tonight. After brunch we got ready for the excursion, I asked him what suit I should wear, the green bikini, or a red one piece. "Whatever one you want, you look gorgeous in both" he replied

The freakout over the Swimsuit thing the other day must have truly been a random one time thing.
We sunscreened, and headed to the boat. We would take a big boat, out to the paddleboard spot, and they would serve lunch on the way.

We both ordered a spicy meat and cheese burrito. We ate while talking and watching the water and absorbing the beautiful scenery. After 40 mins. We had arrived. They dropped the anchor and gave us all waterproof watches. Gave each of us a paddleboard and told us to be back to the boat at 4 0 clock or we would be left here. That's one way to ensure they leave on time I guess.

We got our snorkels and waters loaded up on the back of the board. After checking everything he climbed down onto the paddleboard.

"Grab my hand it's quite wobbly I don't want you to fall in" he said smiling sweetly

I took his hand and climbed on.
We paddled around the little tiny island, that was only 200 by 150 feet. And found a little alcove. So we stopped and tied up the boards to our ankles before jumping in.

"Whoo the water feels nice" I said as I came up from under it.
"Yes, very" he licked his lips "salty" he said

We both started laughing and splashed each other with the water just having a great time. When an alert went off on our watches. It was almost time to be back. So we climbed onto the board and went back. I was sad to be leaving, but we had an amazing time. And he truly is the love of my life. We packed up the hotel and went to dinner before heading to the airport.

We checked out bags, and walked to the gate. As we were walking all I could think was, how happy I was. I was content, for once in my life. We sat down and decided to play uno as we waited for them to call boarding.

Soon an announcement came over the speakers. So we started to clean up the game. "Flight 448732104 to Chicago is delayed until 2300 thank you for your patience."  Beeep

Well, I guess we could have kept playing I said laughing it off.

I expected him to as well, but he seemed really angry.

I wrapped my arm around him "babe what's wrong, it's only an hour it'll be ok" I said in hopes it would calm him down

"Yeah but we payed money for this the least they can do it be on time." He said angrily

"I know, but wouldn't you rather have to wait here on the ground for a little bit, than be in the air and have something go wrong?"

"I guess" he grumbled

We got some coffee and waited

"Flight 448732104 to Chicago is now boarding" came over the speakers

"Babe, that's us" we grabbed our backpacks and boarded on the plane. After the safety demonstration it took off and we quickly fell asleep until we landed.

5 votes and I will add the next chapter

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