Parent teacher conferences

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5th grade year "Mom Mrs D my teacher gave me this she said we need to go to parent teacher conferences"

"Ok, wait when are they"

"She said they are from 3-6 on Friday after school"

"Ok, but your dad has to take you I have a job interview"

"Ok mom"

--In the car heading to the school--

-----Haileys POV-----
I was really nervous I had good grades and I always do good in school but Mrs D said something the other day because I had a black eye I couldn't cover and I wasn't thinking and was so stupid I told her my dad did it when she asked it had been a really long few days and i wasnt thinking and i actually was stupid enough to try and get help again. But luckily t I don't think she believed me because she said "yeah right" but I know If she mentions it to my dad he's going to be really mad

--At parent teacher conferences--

"So, Mr.Upton Hailey is and amazing student, she gets good grades and doesn't cause problems in class."

"If that's all you gonna tell me why am I here" he said angrily

"Well, there is something else, she has quite the imagination sometimes. And I just wanted you to know how important it is to teach her not to lie or make up stories"

"Like what" my dad asked

Then I ran, I don't know where I'm going but I'm scared

As I ran down the hall I found a closet and sat down in it

I looked at my watch, and it's been 45 minutes since I came in here, so I stood up and walked back to my teachers classroom.

"Mrs. D?" I said as I stepped through the door

"Hailey, honey come here" my teacher said pulling two stools over from the desks

"Hailey why did you run away earlier, you have to be able to accept responsibility"

"Wait what do you mean" I asked

"Because you lied to me about your dad, you ran away just to avoid getting in trouble and losing your television privileges or whatever it is. You are going to be in a lot of trouble in the future if you keep doing this" my teacher said shaking her head in disapproval

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too" I said flinching when Mrs. D reached over to grab her phone on the desk next to me

"I'll talk to you about this on Monday, I have another meeting in 5 minutes" she said before answering a phone call

So I left, and started walking home since my dad had obviously left already

I took a left at the park with the big yellow slide, and then past the big blue house, and I kept walking

Im so confused my house should be right here but I don't see it anywhere, I'm so tired and all of the streets looked the same

So I just walked to the patch of grass behind the tree and layed down quickly falling asleep

           ----A few hours later----
I woke up and started walking around, I found my dads store and then figured out how to get home from there.

It's almost the end of the school year and it's testing season. I am not excited for summer. I like school I get to learn and escape my house. I feel happier when I'm at school and not worried about so much stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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