The test

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"Shit" I said out loud
"Melia, what's wrong" my coworker Melissa asked me.

"Nothing, I just forgot about a dentist appt I have later today." I quickly lied

As soon as I got off I decided I had better just go to the pharmacy in case.

Gosh I don't even know where they would be. I started just walking up and down the isle o thought they might be in, and I saw them. But suddenly I felt super self conscious. And embarrassed. I hurried and grabbed one that said 99 percent accuracy and basically ran to the cashier hoping I could check out before I ran into anyone I knew. But of course my luck ran out. Self checkout was closed. And there was only one register open with a giant line. Oh well I guess. I did my best to hide the box while waiting it line. And when it was finally my turn, of course working the register was one of my former students, Caleb.

Well shit it's all over I thought to myself. He's going to say something then wveryones gonna know! What am I gonna do

Hey! Mrs. Landon, my maiden name. He said scanning the test and not even blinking an eye. He put it in a bag

"So, I heard your still teaching huh?" He asked

"Yep, I just switched subjects, math was to boring to teach art is so much more fun and a lot more chill" I laughed

"Anyhow, so nice to see you have a good day" I said before smiling and walking out

I'm just so glad he didn't make a big deal. I guess I was worried over nothing, I thought as I was driving home. But now it was time for me to really worry. What if it came back positive??

I put on the radio and tried to distract myself until I got home

As soon as I did I bolted to the bathroom to take it, knowing I had a half hour until Hector got home. If it is negative and I was just being paranoid I don't want to freak him out for no reason.

Why is two minutes so long?!?!
After what felt like hours of sheer panic and excitement and then more panic and fear. The timer rang.

Well shit

It's positive

Just then I heard the door open.

"Melia? You here?" He called

"Yeah I'm in the kitchen" I said as I shoved the test in my jacket pocket trying to hide it

I pulled out a pan, to start dinner as he walked in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Ugh he was so sweet but what would happen when I told him. When would I tell him???

I made chicken alfredo, and we sat down at the table to eat it

"So how was your day?" I asked

"Good, what about you?"

"Um ok I guess?" I said

"Hector I have something to tell you"

He nodded looking at me

"I um, my period was late, I've been taking my birth control, I don't know how this happened but" I said in tears

"Did you take a test??" He almost yelled
"Yeah, and it it came back positive" I said looking down at the table

"Damn it what have you done" he yelled slamming his fists on the table

"I I didn't do anything" I mumbled

He got up and stormed out the front door.

Well, that didn't go well, but I guess I had better schedule an appt at the doctor since those are a lot more accurate.

--------------a little while later-------------
I've got an appt scheduled first thing in the morning, and I should be able to make it to work, on time so that I don't have to find a substitute teacher. And the results should be back by lunch time

----------------the next morning-----------
The alarm on my phone went off, to get up, i had to be at my appointment in 40 mins. I slipped into the bedroom to see if Hector was home. He was passed out on the bed, I double checked that his alarm was set. And got in the shower before leaving

‐-----------In The Waiting Room----------
"Melia Upton" the nurse called
" I followed her into the room, and withing 10 mins, they had drawn my blood and I was leaving.

Now to go to work, hope that the kids will distract me enough until lunch that I don't go insane waiting until lunchtime

"Mrs.Melia!!!" One of my students from last year Mandy came running over as I was walking to my classroom

"Hey! How are you doing? Do you like 2nd grade?" I asked

"Yeah! But I miss you, you are my favorite teacher" she said smiling

It made me so happy I almost started crying. Just then the bell rang, and she hugged me before waving and running off to get to class. I unlocked my door and all of the kids were lined up on the wall waiting

"Good morning" I said as they walked in giving some a fist bumb or a hug depending on who it was

I got them started on bellwork, and then we did math, and social studies. Everyone behaved so good today and we spent a majority of the time laughing

Soon it was time for lunch, and I dismissed them and instantly checked my computer for an email. Refreshing it while eating my lunch

Why don't I have the results yet I kept asking my self.
Finally it came in

Holding my breath I clicked on it.
I can't believe it. I'm actually pregnant.

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