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We had moved most of our stuff into the house we had been saving for. And we're finishing, bringing the last boxes in today.

It was a 4 bedroom house, with 2 bathroom. 1 is attached to the master bedroom, and the other is by the other bedrooms, and the dining room. It is 1 story, and so far we just have everything in the garage, so that it us out of the way while we unpack everything. We got some paint, it was more expensive than we thought it would be. But the house is so dark and depressing with how it's painted. All of the walls are dark brown with black baseboards, I think it's the reason the house was so cheap. We decided to paint the main walls in the living room a light yellow beige color. And the other rooms white.

I wasn't quite sure how to paint, but I guess we will figure it out together it'll be fun. And we have a week with nothing to do other than put the house together.

"Alright then, what should we paint first the bedrooms, or the living room and kitchen" I asked

"I guess the bedrooms" he replied laighing

, we laughed and talked the whole time while we painted And it took us all day but we finished all of the bedrooms, and we're going to work on the trim in the morning."

"Hey babe, can you help me get this mattress in, and then mabye we should order take out as we haven't got our kitchen together yet?" He asked

"Yeah let's do it"

We ordered food from a cheap neighborhood burger place, and while we ate we decided where we wanted to put the furniture.

--------------the next morning------------
Its noon, we've painted the trim, and are now working on the living room and kitchen. We decided to leave the bathrooms for now. They were a pretty light yellow, with a aqua trim. I thought he wouldn't like it but it was actually his idea to leave them. After spending 2 days painting it was time to start moving the furniture in.

We started with our bedroom. We had a platform style bed, with matching dressers, that had been my cousins, but she got a divorce and joined the marines, so she no longer needed such a big bed, or a bed at all, really

I miss her, but I have Hector now.

We have got all of the big furniture where we want it, which is good because he starts work tomorrow, again. But I still have a week off, because I'm still waiting on a permit to be approves, I work at a restraunt and bar, for family's. I cooked us chicken fried rice for dinner, and we ate in our new dining room.

The morning came to early, we both agreed, while he got ready, for work, I made greek oven pancakes, and sliced fruit, up for breakfast. While it cooked, I packed his lunch, and filled up his waterbottle. Putting the stuff in his bag, so that we could have as much time to eat, as we could. By the time I had breakfast served he walked out and kissed me. We ate and he went to work.

While he was at work, I hung up the decoration and pictures we had, as well as the random stuff. The week basically went like this, and by Saturday night, after a little bit of help, I had all of the little stuff put up, and where it goes. Now we didn't have a lot of stuff, but we would gather it. That's part of starting a new life. I went back to work, and we took turns making dinner, and started to have smoothies for breakfast, because they were fast and easy, as well as delicious. This is basically how it went for almost a year.

Until, i got a horrifying notification on my phone while i was at work. It was flo and it said my period was 3 days late.

Shit! I'm on birth control, we've taken all of the precautions. I don't even know if we want kids. I don't know what he wants, I'm not against the idea, but we haven't even discussed it, ever.

5 votes and I will publish the next chapter!!

Thanks for all of your support! I really like how this is going so far, I hope you think so! Please let me know what you think. Also I love getting requests, so if you have an idea please comment it or msg it to me!!

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