5 years later

55 3 0

-------------General POV
"Momma, time for school" Hailey called while running into her parents bathroom as her mom was covering herself with makeup

"Yes just one minute sweetie"

"Mmk momma why do you put that on"

"It's called makeup and I put it on the look more pretty"

"Silly momma you don't need makeup for thar, is it to make the purple go away?"

"Ok hailey let's get you to preschool"

Then they left Her dad was at work and wouldn't be home until 2 0 clock that afternoon Hailey didn't really understand much yet other than that she didn't like her dad and he made her mom cry

"Ok, Hailey have fun at school, I'll be back to get you in a little while"

"Bye mama" Hailey yelled before running off to the play area

------------------Haileys POV-----------------
I played with the other kids until it was time to go inside then we did writing practice and played with stamps. Me and Marlee my friend played kitchen at the end of the day before it was time to go home.

Then i waited with the teacher outside for my mommy. She was always here on time, but she was taking a long time

"Hailey, do you know who is picking you up today" my teacher asked me

"Yeahhhh my mommy she always picks me up" I replied giggling

"Ok well why don't you go play while I call her"

"Ok, but Ms their's no one for me to play with"

"Ok, just wait for a few minutes ok"

------------Teachers POV---------------
"Hello, is this Mrs Upton?"

"Mmhmm yes, she's waiting here but all the other kids have left already"

"Ok I'll see you soon"

"Yes, by bye"

            ----10 minutes later---
"Momma!" Hailey yelled as she ran to her moms car

"I'm so sorry I got sidetracked and lost track of time it won't happen again" She explained to the teacher

"No problem, alright Hailey I'll see you tomorrow" she waved out the window to the teacher as they left

"Momma why are you crying"

"I'm not I'm just fine Hailey, you know you aren't supposed to ask questions like that it could get someone in trouble"

"Yes mamma"

Later that night Hailey was playing in her room with a toy car and making car noises when her dad came in and started yelling at her for being to loud

"She started crying and saying she was sorry when her mom came in and tried to tell him that "she's just a child, she will be quieter, won't you, please just calm down"

That's when he punched her in the face and hailey tried to run to her mom but her dad shoved her back into her room resulting in her being thrown on the floor and crying. And he locked her in. This was when Hailey figured it out

--------the next day at school------------
"HI Hailey how was your night?" The teacher asked her as she hung up her backpack

"Sad" the normally cheerful little girl replied

"Oh no how come"

"My daddy got mad and scared me and my mommy"

"Oh I'm so sorry, well the kids are all playing outside why don't you go and join them" the teacher said hoping she would go so that she could call her mom and make sure she was ok, and see what really happened

"Ring ring"


"Hi is this Haileys mom?"

"Yes, may I ask why you're calling" she said nervously

"Well, after Hailey got dropped off this morning I asked he how her night was and she said that her dad scared you both. I'm just calling to make sure you both are all right"

"Oh, yes that child had quite the imagination, her dad was watching the football game and his team lost so he yelled at the TV, men am I right?" She laughed explaining it all away

"Ok then, I just wanted to make sure, I'll see you at pickup"

"Ok bye"


The school day went on but her teacher couldn't help but notice Hailey seemed withdrawn and not like her usual self.

--------------later in the day----------------
Hailey went and got in her moms car but wa surprised to see her dad driving it instead

"Daddy? I thought mommy was supposed to pick me up" She asked innocently

"Well, I decided that I needed to talk to you about what you told your teacher today"

She looked at him through the mirror in confusion

"You told her what happened at home last night" he said angrily

"Yes daddy I"

"No there's no excuse! God damn it Hailey" he said before reaching behind him and grabbing her chin

"DO YOU UNDERTAND ME!! WHAT HAPPENS AT HOME STAYS AT HOME!" He let go of her and she nodded her head

"I'm sorry daddy I didn't mean too" she said though tears

"God it's like your trying to get me into trouble"

Things like this kept happening and hailey learned pretty fast to lie her way through it all, explain away the bruises and cuts. And to not tell anyone anything and shutting herself off from the world
As time went on her dad started beating them a lot more often, and at first Hailey would try to fight back or cry but sadly she learned it was better not too

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