First day of 3rd grade

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Time went by fast, they had just moves this summer and now Hailey would be at a new school, she didn't know this but they moved because her dad almost got caught for dealing drugs

"Mom, I'm ready for school am I riding the bus today?" Hailey asked walking into the kitchen with concealer all over her face not even blended in

"Oh Hailey, come here quickly"

"Why mom"

"We have to fix your face, remember I showed you you have to blend it like this"

Over the summer Hailey had been told she needed to cover the bruises on her face so, she was

" Ok, the bus should be out front soon, ill see you later hailey"

"Bye mom"

          ---------haileys POV------------
I got on the bus and suddenly i felt super anxious, i hadn't thought about the fact that my friends wouldn't be here anymore, not that i talked to them a lot but we  played together and ate lunch together I was just looking out the window when I was pulled out of my thoughts by a girl my age asking if he could sit next to me

I nodded and when back to looking out the window when she asked
"Whats your name? My names Rae"


"What grade are you in"


"Me to! Who's your teacher"

"Umm, Mrs larson"


They talked and became friends at school they sat together and basically did everything together, they got along really well because they were both shy but very smart.

A few weeks went by and one day Hailey was grocery shopping with her mom when she saw her best friend at the end of the aisle

"Momma momma look that's Rae she's my friend" she said tugging her moms shirt before running over to him they were both really happy to see each other because they were on break and hadn't seen each other for a long time (in a kids eyes anyhow)

"HAILEY ANNE GET BACK HERE NOW" her mom yelled before running over to her and grabbing her wrist and basically dragging her

"Hailey, you're father is here what were you thinking if he saw you getting that excited he's going to get paranoid, promise me you'll never do that again"

"Yes momma I'm sorry"

"Wait.. you haven't told that girl anything have you" her mom asked in a harsh tone

"No, I'm smarter than that"

"Good" she said as her husband came and found them as they shopped for groceries and he bought his bear

A week later after Hailey got home from school and only her mom was home since her dad had a work trip

Hailey was sitting at the table doing her math homework when she heard her moms phone ringing

"Hello? Who is this" her mom asked

"Hi, it this haileys mom"

"Yes, it is"

"Ok, well it's my daughter Raes  birthday this weekend and she's been talking nonstop she really wants Hailey to come over and watch movies with pizza and popcorn" 

"Umm, you said this weekend?"

"Yes I was thinking Friday to Saturday and they could mabye have a sleepover"

"Ok, let me talk to my husband and I'll get back to you I'm not sure if we have plans"

"K bye bye"


She thought about it for awhile she really wanted to be able to give her daughter a normal ish life

"Hailey come here"

"Yes mom"

"Your friend Rae wants you to go to her house for her birthday"

"I know I told her I couldn't because I wasn't aloud I'm sorry"

"Ok, it's fine but listen when your fathers home no sleepovers or play dates but, since he's gone until Thursday what if I let you go but I'll come pick you up at 11 O clock"

"Really mom"

"Yes, but only this once"

"Yay thankyou soo much"

Hailey went and had a great time but shortly after her dad got home he got a promotion at work which should have been a good thing but now he worked from home so he became a lot more well easily angered and aggressive

One night Hailey brought him a can of beer instead of a bottle of beer like he'd asked for on accident and he started getting really upset

"God damn it Hailey you're useless it was such a simple task and you failed"

"I'm so sorry dad it was an accident I'll get you a bottle"

But this didn't fix it because now he was worked up he ended up hitting her with his belt and breaking her wrist when he hit it to hard she was a little kid after all her bones weren't that strong she cried and screamed all night and in the morning it was bright purple her mom tried to bring her to a hospital

"I think it's broken I'll just tell them she fell off of her bike" she tried telling her husband but he was adamant about no hospitals so her mom found a youtube video on how to put the bone back in place as you could now see it pressing against the skin

"Hailey put this in your mouth and don't scream this is going to hurt" she told her daughter handing her a rag

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh owwwwww it hurttttssss stoppp"

"And done"

"K, go get dressed but you have to wear long sleeves today, then come down to the kitchen and I have some medicine you need to take before you got to school"

"Yes mom"

Pretty soon she was off too school

Sadly this happened 7 more times during her childhood but not just her wrist, but she learned very quickly to shut up and bear the pain and never to ask for help.

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