In a bizarre twist of fate, the characters from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony found themselves thrust into the real world, taking on mundane minimum wage jobs for a quirky motive experiment. At first, it seemed like an ordinary adventure, but it quickly became a chaotic journey, with one person at the center of it all—Kokichi Oma.
Kokichi's adventure into the world of minimum wage work began at Chick-fil-A. He was enthusiastic, or at least, that's what he pretended to be. But Chick-fil-A, with its strict policies and conservative values, wasn't ready for Kokichi's eccentricity. It took only a few hours for him to be unceremoniously fired for being "gayer than a literal rainbow," as the manager put it.
Kokichi's reign of Chaos
FanfikceThe Minimum Wage Motive What would've been a normal experience was ruined when Kokichi was set up with a job at Chick-fil-A, and was fired for being gay. Follow him in his reign of chaos where he brings down everyone with him in this shit show of a...