Episode 6: "First Match"

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POV: Cherry

The day has come, The first match ups of The Intergalactic Games and two of my best friends was up first. "You guys got this! Just know if you don't win it's fine because what matters the most is our friendship and we won't let a little game tear in between us right?" Ethan said trying to lift Sophia and Adrianna's spirit as everyone stayed silent. "RIGHT?!" He shouted.

"Right!" We all responded as as sudden slow claps could be heard.

"Wow! Good pep talk I'm honestly loving the bond between you guys" Kendall (The Fire element) said. "Do you honestly think she will congratulate you after you lose Sophia? She's always been stronger since the day she arrived here in IG" She added.

"Yeah she's just using you... you're totally her lackey unlike me and Kendall" Tiffany (The wind element) said as Kendall glared at her turning back to us resting her hands on Sophia's shoulder.

"Don't touch her!" Adrianna said. "And I would never belittle my own best friend... I know what you are doing and it ain't gonna work" She added.

"Yeah if you think you're gonna just take over our school you're sadly mistaken" Reese said.

"Chill out! We're not here to take over anything... we're just here because our school got shut down and there was no other popular school we could attend" Teejay (The earth element) said.

"And please welcome our first fighter she got out early last year due to an injury during a match with her best friend and is hoping to redeem herself.... princess Sophia" The announcer announced as Sophia rushed out into the arena all smiles and waving out to the huge crowd.

[A few seconds later]

We all took our seats in the stand like a fan as Adrianna and Sophia stand facing each other in the arena

POV: Nobody's

Sophia and Adrianna got overwhelmed with emotions of excitement and fear of repeating what happened last year drowning themselves in cheers of students, teachers and visitors here to watch. "This is an interesting first match up remember it was princess Adrianna who just discovered her powers who accidentally injured her own best friend during their match up last year thankfully the injury wasn't serious" commentator 1 said.

"That's true but is the wound fully healed allowing princess Sophia to forgive Adrianna or is the wound too deep and she'll look for revenge today?" Commentator 2 said.

A horn blew loud signifying the start of the match, Sophia whipped a sceptor (kinda like a giant bubble blower stick thing). "I've improved a lot since last year I won't let you beat me so easily this time" Sophia said as Adrianna smirked.

"Oh yeah? Then let's see just how much- YOU'VE IMPROVED!" Adrianna said shooting a beam of light at Sophia as she quickly dig her sceptor in front of her blowing.... Adrianna's light beam got absorb by a huge bubble.

"I already told you I won't let you defeat me!" Sophia said as the same bubble froze turning into a crystal ball... she sent it at the speed of light towards Adrianna luckily she was able to dodge it at the last minute.


Raven suddenly jolts from her seat where she was watching the match with the others. "What's wrong raven?" Ethan asked.

"Something is very wrong I can't explain it but I can just feel it" she said grabbing onto Reece as they rushed out.

School Halls

"That's not Sophia out there" Raven said.

"What do you mean? We all saw her before the match and she seemed like herself" Reece said confused on what his friend is even saying.

"Luckily I know a spell to show you that she's not herself we just have to get to the library let's go!" Raven said as they quickly rushed to the library but on their way they ran into Alejandro and Tiffany.

"Oh great!" Reese said rolling his eyes.

"Where are you guys off to? we're just on our way to watch the match" Tiffany said.

"It's none of your business to know where we're going" Raven said.

"Oh? That's unfortunate you'll miss the good parts" Alejandro said as they walked off.

POV: Reese

"Since last year incidents I've been researching about light and dark magic and the evil beings in the vortex..." I explained as a book came flying off a shelf to me. "It says here that a being that escapes from the vortex can possess and when they do... the person they possess eyes turn red" I said showing Reece pages from the book that helped me with my research.

"Impossible didn't mr. Victor say nothing can escape once inside" Reece said.

"I guess he was wrong" I shrugged.

"Then that means....." Reece said looking at me as we thought the same thing.

"There's a way to save Adrian and Adrianna's mom" we both said.

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