Chapter 1

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I watched from the window of my car as she entered the Café where she worked every night.

"Hi Uncle Sam!" her angelic voice reached my sharp ears as she greeted the shop owner with a smile, who was standing behind the counter.

"Good evening, Zaveah! Right on time! As usual" the old man cheered up as soon as he saw her hanging her purse on the stand.

"Good evening uncle! And thank you!" She smiled at him sweetly, making my dark day brighten up. He nodded and grinned at her as she made way towards the kitchen. Ready to bake the most delicious cupcakes I have ever tasted in my whole life.

I watched from my matt black car wearing my usual black dress, blending in perfectly with the shadows.

My beautiful, pure and innocent rose!

As soon as the first batch was out. One of my men, who I had appointed to guard the Café secretly, entered as clockwork and ordered the whole batch. He paid and made way towards me. She didn't come out by herself, I frowned. I won't be able to see her one last time before I had to go.

He stood tall and respectfully as soon as he reached me. I rolled down the window looking dead ahead and took the package from him. Placing it close to me on the seat beside me.

"Boss." He nodded curtly. Not daring to look into my eyes.

My face tilted towards him silently and he immediately replied.

"I didn't forget to leave a generous tip. As you commanded. Boss" He quickly replied in his professional voice. Looking forward straight ahead.

I handed him a multi dollar Check and his eyes gleamed a little but his face held no emotion. As I had trained them all.

He grabbed the check as I handed him, with my face cold and emotionless, facing forward.

"boss." He gave me another curt nod and I rolled on the window. He went back to his job. I looked in the direction of the Café again but she hadn't come out.

I faced forward and Albert, glanced at me from the mirror as he sat in the drivers seat. He curtly nodded at me and immediately put the car in gear. Driving towards the headquarters of My Mafia.

He Parked the car along with my black Lamborghinis lining in front of the tall glass building and quickly got out and opened the door for me. Giving me a curt nod.

I got out and was immediately flanked by dozens of my men. I grabbed the package and made way inside and towards my office. As soon as I entered, everyone was already standing in lines. They greeted me with a nod as I made way towards the top floor where solely my office lies. With my condo taking up the three floors down from the top. like clock work, all of them diapered and immediately went to work. I entered my all black office and placed the package on my desk.

I made way towards the floor length window, rolling my shoulders. I stood stiff as I stared into the distance overlooking the whole city from the top.

"boss. We found him." Altair stated as he entered through the opened door.

My jaw clenched and I slowly turned around. I looked him dead in the eye. He flinched slightly but kept his face forward as he stood alerted and on command. My eyes flickered to the package and my rage rose up even more. I stormed out of the office and made way towards the torture room. Rolling my sleeves as I took powerful strides. Whoever was in my path, parted quickly, their eyes filled with fear. The guards opened the door quickly.

As soon as I entered, i slashed his body at various points but leaving the vital ones for later. By the time he registered what happened to him and opened his mouth to scream, I was already putting in my knife into it's hold. He screamed loudly and hysterically. As his body twitched around and he tried to desperately free himself. I rolled my shoulders looking him dead in the eyes. He shook visibly on the chair that was binding him. His eyes filled with fear and regret. Altair stood outside the door, alerted.

"p... p... ple... please boss! I... i... won't do it again. I made a mistake when I handed them the files of our prison layout. They offered me money..." he desperately tried to explain but couldn't. His body fell on the ground with a thud. His eyes wide open reflecting fear and horror as he laid lifeless with his throat slashed open. I put my knife back into the hold and exited the room. Altair curtly nodded at me and entered to take care of the body.

He gave our secret files of prison to the other gang. I had known of his treachery since the first day. I waited till he made a move to catch him red handed so he would be a lesson to other members as well. I had already replaced the files with fake ones so the files he gave to them were the fake location of our prison. They wanted to break one of their member out who raised his hand on a child. I had my men cut his hand off and imprison him until he learned his lesson. But still to this day he hadn't.

I made way towards my office, wiping whatever drops of blood stained my hands with the tissue. I tossed it on the bin and went to wash my hands as I entered my office.

I made way towards my desk and sat on the rolling chair. I rolled my shoulders making my muscles bulge and pop out even more. I rolled my neck and closed my eyes momentarily.

I grabbed the package and opened it. The aroma of freshly baked cupcakes hit my nostrils and I inhaled it deeply. Every time I get every single flavor but today it was the chocolate chip cupcakes. I grabbed one and took a bite. Immediately closing my eyes in delight. Delicious as always, my rose! I took another bite and grabbed a file as I started with some file work. I finished them in minutes and threw the empty box in the bin. I washed my hands and continued with the work.

Soon, it was dark and I went to my mansion and took a long hot shower. I had them themed all the mansions black and a little bit of white and golden here and there, along with every headquarter all over the world. I went to the gym room and punched the bag for half an hour. I did my usual work out after and made dinner. I ate spinach pasta in the living room as I inspected some files which Altair had already delivered to the mansion, before I got here.

Around twelve, I made way towards my bedroom and laid on the bed placed in the middle of the room. the night breeze flew gently from the open balcony and thin curtains moved back and fro lightly. My eyes closed on their own and soon I fell into a dreamless slumber.

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