Chapter 4: The Classmate

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Hanni awoke to a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes were bleary as the sun streamed in through the window, she reached up to shield them with her arm. "It's on my desk. Just take it." Hanni muttered, sure it was Danielle looking to borrow her eyeliner again. Her head pounded in a dull way. Not quite a hangover, but it was obvious she didn't make it out of last night scot free.

"Hanni." In her sleepy haze, Hanni realized that it was not Danielle who said her name. It was Minji. She shot upright in shock, looking quickly from side to side to get a sense of her surroundings. Once her eyes adjusted to the light, she realized she was in Minji's room, green sheets draped loosely over her legs. Momentary confusion resolved, Hanni looked up at Minji who was standing next to the bed. She looked down at Hanni apologetically.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Minji said. It was obvious she was holding back a laugh, her lips were closed tight in a straight in a straight line, but her eyes were wide. It made Hanni think of last night, of how much Minji smiled. She shifted awkwardly, bringing a hand to the back of her neck. The laugh disappeared from her eyes. "I was going to let you sleep but-" She raised the other to reveal Hanni's phone, and held it out for her. "Your mom has called four times, and it doesn't look like she plans on stopping. It could be an emergency." Her eyes were urging.

Hanni took the phone from Minji, fighting the urge to laugh. Of course her mom would be calling. She hasn't called once since Hanni left to start school, it's only fitting that she would call just in time to embarrass her in front of Minji. Minji. Whose room she slept in last night. Whose bed she slept in. Upon that thought, Hanni looked down around herself, trying to figure out where Minji could have slept. Was there even space for the two of them? Out of the corner of her eye Hanni noticed a pillow and blanket on the floor. Did Minji seriously sleep on the floor? Was sharing a bed with someone you sort of know really that big of a deal? Hanni thought again of last night, of how obviously uncomfortable she was to be hugged, and realized that yeah. To Minji it probably was a big deal. Before she could ask and get verbal confirmation, her phone rang again. Hanni panicked, not knowing whether or not she should answer it in front of Minji. She wasn't sure what to expect from the call, but she knew it probably wouldn't be pleasant.

"I can step out, if you need me to." Minji said, almost as if she knew what Hanni was thinking.

"I'm not gonna make you leave your own room." Hanni chuckled. She considered going back to her own room, but then worried about what she'd be walking into. "Actually uh, if it's not too much trouble-" Hanni frowned. Minji simply cocked an eyebrow at her before nodding and slipping out of the room.

Hanni sighed and slid her finger across the screen to answer. "Five calls in a row? I guess I have a new stalker now." Hanni said dryly into the phone.

"Not funny Hanni." She responded. It was almost weird to hear her mom's voice now. She had gotten used to not hearing it.

"Well, who died?" Hanni sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Mai asked.

"Well since you're not stalking me, someone dying is the only acceptable reason to call five times in a row. So who was it?"

"You haven't called in a month." Mai said sternly.

"You haven't called me !" Hanni said defensively.

"So now phones only work one way? You're an adult now, Hanni. You should know better. I was worried about you." Hanni let out a dry laugh in response. She didn't have to see it to know her mom was glaring at her. "Look, clearly, you're trying to punish me for-"

"Can we not go there?" Hanni pleaded quickly. This was not the time or place. In fact, Hanni wasn't sure anywhere would be the time or place.

"You can't just run away from your problems." Mai said obviously.

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