Chapter 10: Attention

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Hanni had spent the last week in the comfort of Kazuha's near empty apartment. Yunjin and Danielle had gone home together for break, and Kazuha was nice enough to pretend to invite Hanni to stay and keep her company.

She liked it at Kazuha's. There was a large window in the living room that faced the street, during the day she would sit on the arm of the couch and look out, sometimes drawing, often people watching. It was quiet without Yunjin there to bring in friends, too. At night when she and Kazuha would curl up on the couch to watch netflix, it almost felt like she was supposed to be there, rather than that she was avoiding her own place.

Hanni sat on the couch, Kazuha on an armchair across from her, sipping coffee from a mug. It had been a relaxing Saturday so far, the pair of them woke up at a respectable ten thirty am to watch the Harry Potter movies from the beginning.

"See, now this is so dumb," Hanni pointed at the tv. "First of all, who decided that they were all gonna wear muggle clothes around school suddenly?" Hanni asked. "And secondly, why did they make Hermione wonder what her hair looked like from the back? That's so not Hermione." Hanni glanced to Kazuha for back up.

"Preaching to the choir, kid," Kazuha chuckled.

"It's like the director didn't give a shit," Hanni sighed.

"He probably didn't," Kazuha shrugged. Hanni watched as Kazuha checked her phone, looking slightly alarmed. "So uh, as much as I like you hiding out here, I kinda need you to take off for a few hours." Kazuha said.

"Booty call?" Hanni asked.

"You know it," Kazuha smirked.

"How is the demon these days?" Hanni asked.

"Oh come on, she's not that bad," Kazuha said.

"Uh, did you forget that time she tried to fight us? Because I didn't," Hanni said.

"She apologized for that," Kazuha said.

"Not to me!" Hanni said. Kazuha laughed.

"Well, you'll just have to take my word for it," Kazuha shrugged.

"To be fair, you don't have a great track record of vouching for people," Hanni shrugged.

"Yikes, true," Kazuha pulled her lips back, miming pain. "No but really you should probably go because she's supposed to be here any minute."

"Why did you wait until now to tell me?" Hanni asked.

"Would you believe I didn't want to be alone?" Kazuha asked. Hanni rolled her eyes.

"It's fine," Hanni sighed as she stood from the couch. "I should probably head back to my room anyway. It's inspections week. Gotta make sure there's no contraband lying around," Hanni said as she disappeared into Kazuha's room to change out of her sweatpants.

"Don't you just love living in the dorms?" Kazuha teased.

"As soon as next semester ends I'm out of there," Hanni shouted loud enough so Kazuha could hear. "No more inspections or dumb alcohol rules or temperamental RA's-" Hanni stopped short hearing a violent knock on the door. "Shit," she muttered, grabbing her shoes and pulling them on. Kazuha had already opened the door by the time she returned to the living room. Chaewon looked just as intense as ever, standing stiffly near the door.

"Uh, hey," Hanni said awkwardly.

"Hanni," Chaewon nodded curtly.

"Sorry, I'm leaving," Hanni said.

"Chae, you can go to the room, I'll be in in a second, just gonna lock up behind her," Kazuha said. Without a word, Chaewon walked down the hall and out of sight.

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