Chapter 12: Friends (M)

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Kazuha slipped out a few hours later, pausing the movie to answer a mysterious phone call. Hanni sat with her phone in her hands, debating on whether or not to make a call of her own. She tapped her screen to her recent calls. The phone rang only twice before there was an answer.

"A phone call? This must be serious," Minji teased.

"Well, I didn't want to give you the chance to ignore me," Hanni said.

"I could've just not answered," Minji said.

"That's true, but a missed call is way more urgent than an unanswered text," Hanni said.

"It is," Minji said. "So do you ever plan on telling me why you called?"

"Shut up," Hanni said, chewing lightly on her bottom lip. "Anyway, I was thinking, now that we're friends again, wanna hang out tonight?"

"Okay," Minji said.

"Wow, I was not expecting that to be so easy," Hanni laughed. "I thought for sure I was gonna have to fight you about it."

"Yeah, well, I'm trying to be less of an asshole, remember?" Minji asked.

"Right, right," Hanni said. "So I guess I'll just come over?"

"Actually, we should probably go out," Minji said.

"Really? Why?" Hanni asked.

"It's probably safer," Minji said, a moment's hesitation before she added "you know, considering I have that dilemma where I want to kiss you everytime I see you."

"Right," Hanni said, swallowing thickly. She was thankful Minji couldn't see her, because she could feel her cheeks heat up. "I'll meet you outside the dorm then?" She asked.

"When?" Minji asked.

"Twenty minutes?" Hanni asked.

"Okay, see you then," Minji said.

"Bye," Hanni said as she hung up.


"So where are we going, anyway?" Hanni asked after they had gotten a few blocks from the dorm.

"The bar, I figured," Minji said.

"Wow, you're ready to drink again already? I would've thought with that hangover you'd be steering clear of booze for a little while," Hanni teased.

"No," Minji chuckled, "I'm not planning on drinking. You can though."

"Uh, no, I'm underage, remember?" Hanni laughed.

"Shit, I completely forgot," Minji said, rubbing her forehead. "Bars are just easy, uh, but we could always go-"

"Why don't we just like, sit and talk?" Hanni asked, pointing to a low retaining wall that ran along the inside of the sidewalk.

"Talk about what?" Minji asked.

"I don't know, life?" Hanni laughed. "I know this might come as a shock, but I did actually miss talking to you these past couple weeks. I don't even know how finals went for you," she said as she took a seat.

"You don't care how finals went," Minji said with a smirk. She took a seat next to Hanni.

"You're right, but that's only because I know you aced them all. I mean, shit, you better have considering all the extra time you had to study without me interrupting," she joked.

"I did get a B," Minji frowned.

"A B? You? Did you have pneumonia or something?" Hanni asked.

"No," Minji rolled her eyes.

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