Chapter 7: You Are

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Author's Notes: Hey guys! So I have a few things to say up here. First of all, you are all the best. Second of all, I am super pumped for this chapter. It's been killing me this whole time and I'm stoked to finally share it. Last, I was originally going to have this chapter go straight to the time-jump, but you guys liked drunk Minji so much I decided to add her in.

TLDR; shit, sexy in here, long time coming, drunk Minji pt. 2. Enjoy!


"You're drunk," Hanni said, squeezing tighter on Minji's hand to keep her from trying to climb a tree they passed.

"I'm high," Minji disagreed with a giggle through heavy lidded eyes.

"You're both," Hanni said, suppressing the smirk creeping into the corners of her mouth. It was a quiet night, surprising for such a crisp Saturday. Minji grinned at her.

"This is a great day," Minji said softly.

"I'm glad," Hanni said. She took Minji's hand and lead her into their dorm, trying to pass the security desk and swipe in as quickly as possible.

Minji's sober facade cracked the moment she crossed into her room. Hanni hardly had the time to close the door behind her before a fit of laughter had Minji curled onto her bed.

"I think it's time for you to go to sleep," Hanni chuckled.

"I don't want to," Minji rolled over on to her back to face Hanni, defiantly.

"Oh no?" Hanni laughed.

"No. I want to talk."

" You want to talk?" Hanni asked.

"Mhm." Minji hummed. She sat up, pulling up the hem of her half buttoned cardigan until it was stuck covering her face, evidently tangled into her long hair, grunting as she struggled.

"Oh my god, Min," Hanni laughed, rushing to her side. "What are you doing?"

"It's hot," she said, still trying to shrug her way out of the garment. For a moment, Hanni watched her, amused and bewildered by the girl she thought she knew. Tonight, it became obvious that she was missing crucial evidence that added up to who Minji was as a person. This was another missing piece. Though, now, Hanni was more confident than ever that in due time, those pieces would be filled. She smirked and grabbed the end of the sweater, pulling it off in one motion. Minji smiled breathlessly at her. "Thanks."

"It has buttons, you know," Hanni said, holding the sweater up to her.

"Fuck buttons," Minji laughed, tossing herself back down to the bed. Hanni sat near her legs, watching as she stretched lazily, letting out a little moan as she arched her back.

"Bed time?" Hanni asked, trying hard to sound casual.

"Why are you so far away?" Minji asked, patting the space next to her with a loud thump.

"I'm not," Hanni said, forcing a chuckle. Minji looked as if she was going to argue, but instead, she sat up and grabbed Hanni by the shoulders to pull her down next to her. "Min," Hanni laughed.

"Look, this is so much better," Minji said, shifting to make as much room as possible for Hanni. "See?" They laid inches from each other. Minji was flattened, back against the wall, and Hanni almost felt like telling her to come a little closer. "It's good, right?" Minji asked, smiling at her again.

Hanni couldn't help but smile back, nodding as a cool hand rested on skin of her waist she hadn't realized was exposed. "What did you want to talk about?" She asked.

"I don't know," Minji laughed lightly. "I just didn't want you to go yet."

Hanni bit back a grin. She wanted to ask something, to get Minji to confirm that she meant what she said, that she liked having Hanni around. It might've been the first time she had ever been in Minji's company without feeling like she was intruding, but she wouldn't push anymore. It wouldn't be fair, not when she was sober and Minji was a few different types of fucked up. "I never would've pegged you for a cuddler," Hanni teased, glancing down at the spot where Minji had tightened the grip on her waist.

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