Chapter 5: The Celestial Wars

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This is the story of a man who has yet to realize his destiny. Now that Izuku has been educated on the basics of the Celestial race and his role as the Celestial Warrior, his training towards controlling his Celestial Energy has begun. Lordgenome had put Izuku through a test to see Izuku's aptitude towards using the use of Celestial Energy. Needless to say, Izuku passed with flying colors but that celebration was cut short when Izuku encountered the Anti-Celestial Beastman: Viral. Izuku's fighting skills were put to the test as the boy quickly engaged in battle with the beastman commander. Eventually, Izuku was able to defeat Viral with the help of his new quirk the Quirk Charges but now the true Anti-Celestial is aware of Izuku and his power and is determined to crush it by any means necessary. Now, it marks the beginning of a war that would determine the fate of the universe as we know it.

It was the night of the same day Izuku first fought Viral; Izuku and Lordgenome were sitting at a long table in the palace's dining room awaiting their dinner. While waiting, Izuku decided to pass the time by talking to Lordgenome and getting to know him better.

Izuku: "So what exactly do you do in your spare time."

Lordgenome: "When you're my age and have this much responsibility on your shoulders, you don't necessarily have spare time to yourself. But I suppose I spend all of my free time watching cable TV."

Izuku: "...I kind of get that. Anything else you do like walking a dog, playing poker, or spending time with your wife or something?"

Lordgenome: "I don't have a wife. Otherwise, there would be a Celestial Queen too wouldn't it?"

Izuku: Looks down "Right..."

Lordgenome sighs as he reaches down into his pocket and pulls out a picture.

Lordgenome: "I was in love once though."

Izuku: "Hmm?"

Lordgenome: "She was an outsider like you. She washed up on the island when she was attending a cruise and fell overboard. I allowed her to stay out of pity until she got back her strength."

Lordgenome: "She was a nice one; beautiful, kind, caring, and everything else in between."

Izuku: "What happened to her?"

Lordgenome: "I allowed her to leave back to her home country. It was risky of me, but I could tell she kept her word that our status would remain a secret."

Izuku: "It's true, haven't heard a thing about the Celestial race at all in my life until now."

Lordgenome: "It's been many years since I've last seen her. Heh, even spent a few special moments together too."

Izuku: "..."

Izuku: "You two didn't do the thing... did you?"

Lordgenome: "Oh no, we did. But I doubt she got pregnant. It's better if she didn't, no child deserves to have a deadbeat father even if it was unintentional..."

Lordgenome continues to stare at the picture while a smile slowly cracks on his face through the memories he shared with this mystery woman.

Izuku: "...Can I see?"

Lordgenome put the picture back into his pocket and looked back at his successor.

Lordgenome: Smiles gently "Some other time, kid. Why do you tell me more about yourself?"

Izuku: "..."

Izuku: "Well, you already know I was betrayed and disowned by my original parents. I also had a girlfriend but she cheated on me for my childhood bully."

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