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It had been seven wonderful years since Taehyung and Jungkook had confessed their love for each other. In that time, they had both pursued their dreams and achieved success in their respective careers.

Taehyung had become a renowned artist, and Jungkook had risen through the ranks in his profession. Their lives were busy, but their love had only grown stronger.

One late evening, Jungkook returned home from the office. He had been tied up with a conference and had texted Taehyung to let him know that he would be late.

As he entered their cute apartment, he was greeted by the sight of his beautiful omega cuddled up on their bed.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile as he watched Taehyung, who looked adorable even in his sleep. He quickly showered and joined his mate on the bed, gently pressing a kiss to the mark he had left on Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung stirred, slowly waking up. He smiled sleepily at Jungkook and leaned in to kiss him passionately, their lips meeting in a sweet and lingering embrace.

"Hey," Taehyung murmured, his voice soft and filled with affection.

Jungkook with equal tenderness. "Hey yourself, sleepyhead."

"how was your day alpha?"

"hectic but better. After my report at the conference, they are considering me for promotion" the alpha beams.

"that's great! You worked really hard for the report." the omega smiles.

"how was your day?" the alpha as he gently brushes off some strands of the omega, resting them behind his ears. 

Taehyung snuggled closer to Jungkook, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on the alpha's chest. "today was nice, but I missed you.We are planning to make some donations for animal shelters"

"Oh, that's nice baby." he places a chaste kiss on the omega's lips.

"------and then it reminded me of the smiliar auction you organised at our university and asked for my help and also the time when we would go to the central park and play with puppies and feed ducks."

Jungkook grinned, with a glint in his eye as he strokes his thumb  omega's chin."You missed me that much, huh?"

Taehyung blushed slightly but didn't back down. "maybe I did."

"you don't sound sure baby" he teases.

"kookieee" he whines adorably  "missed you a lot. And your kisses too"

The alpha almost instantly attached his lips to the plush once. And soon it turned into a heated makeup session, their hands roaming over each other's bodies as they deepened their kisses and explored the familiar contours of their mate's form.

"so pretty"

"a-alpha. koo--

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Clothes were discarded in a frenzy of desire as they gave in to their mutual longing. They made love with a fervor that reflected the depth of their love and passion for each other.

Their bodies moved together in perfect harmony, their moans and gasps filling the room as they reached heights of pleasure only achievable when two souls were truly connected.

In the aftermath of their lovemaking, they lay entwined in each other's arms, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Their eyes met, and in that silent moment, they exchanged a depth of love and understanding that words could never capture.

Taehyung finally broke the silence, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "kookie, I love you more than anything in this world."

Jungkook kissed his forehead gently, his voice equally tender. "And I love you, Tae. More than words could ever express."

basking in the afterglow of their love, Taehyung gathered the courage to broach a subject that had been on his mind for a while.

"kookie," he began hesitantly, "I've been thinking... maybe it's time."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow inquisitively. "Time for what, Tae?"

Taehyung's cheeks flushed as he admitted, "Time to start a family. Maybe we should try for a baby."

Jungkook's eyes widened with surprise and joy. "Tae, are you serious?"

Taehyung nodded, his heart filled with love. "I am. I want to start a family with you."

Jungkook couldn't contain his happiness as he pulled Taehyung into a tight embrace. "I love you so much, Taehyung. Thank you for loving me."

He pulled Taehyung into a tight embrace, feeling a rush of joy at the prospect of becoming parents together.

As they talked about their future, Jungkook suggested, "Maybe we can make a nursery in this apartment, or we could even consider moving to a bigger place."

Taehyung smiled, feeling overwhelmed with happiness. "That sounds wonderful, kookie."

But Jungkook couldn't resist adding a playful tease. "And maybe, we should start the baby-making process from today itself. No contraceptives at all!"

Taehyung blushed furiously, but he couldn't deny the desire that was beginning to stir within him.

Taehyung blushed, feeling a bit shy. "Well, we have plenty of time, but we could start... umm from today"

Jungkook's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned in closer to Taehyung. "then who am I to deny my beautiful omega's wishes?"

Taehyung blushed but replied sassily, "You're awfully eager, aren't you?"

"to start a family with you. Of course I'm " he grins.

they made love again, their connection deepening as they expressed their love and desire for each other.

The room was filled with Taehyung's sweet moans, and as they surrendered to their passion, they knew that their love story was far from over. It was the beginning of a new chapter-a chapter filled with love, desire, and the promise of a family they would create together.

The end.


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