Chapter 20#

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(Smutt ⚠️Warning⚠️)

He dropped me on the bed as he quickly hovered over me and looked me in the eyes.

Lust, was all you could see in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a deeply passionate kiss.

I started unbottoning his shirt. I traced my fingers along hus toned abs. He broke the kiss and removed my white shirt before pulling me back into the kiss.

He grabbed one of my breast and started playing with them as I tried to keep my little moans in.

My hands traveled down to his, now hard dick. I played with it through his pants and I could feel him starting to get more hard. Which only made me smirk through our kiss.

He broke the kiss so we could both catch out breath. He pulled of my shorts leaving me only in my under garments.

He started kissing my nape leaving wet, sloppy kisses. Not forgetting to leave some hockey's too.

I felt his hand move down to my womanhood. His hand slipped under my panties and I could already feel his smirk through the kisses.

"Already wet for me huh princess," he smirked. He pulled off my underwear and bra leaving me naked.

This honestly isn't our first time doing this so I don't feel embarrassed at all. Even if it was, I wouldn't cover myself because I love my body and I don't care what other people have to say about it.

"Hey, that's not fair!"

"Whats not fair princess" he chuckled still rubbing my clit.

"That I'm fully naked while your still in your pants." I pouted and kissed me again before pulling away.

"Needy much" he smirked slipping his long slender finger in me. I let out a loud moan from the sudden pleasure and gripped onto his shoulders.


He just ignored me and kept kissing me all over my body. He got ahold of one of my breast and started sucking on them.

He slipped in a second finger and started moving faster each thrust. My moans getting louder and louder.

I started feeling a knot in my stomach.

"H-Hyunjin i-im gonna c-cum" I shouted gripping onto the bed sheets. He quickly slipped his fingers out licking them both, making me whine from the sudden loss of pleasure.

"Why?" I whined.

"Not so fast" he said pulling his pants down. Maybe it's my turn to be the one giving pleasure.

I quickly got up ignoring the spark of pain I felt down there. I went to the floor and got on my knees.


"Shh, it's my turn" I whispered pulling him over to me and pulling his pants down. I pulled down his boxers and watched as his dick sprung up.

What the- did it get bigger or...

I shrugged off the thoughts before smirking and looked up at him. "Seems like I'm not the only one who's wet and needy" his dick was already soaking.

I liked the tip taking in all the pre-cum. I looked up at him once more before taking in his huge, already wet dick.

I kept sucking on it till I felt it twitch. Before he could cum, I pulled away and stood up pulling him into a kiss to let him taste himself.

Quickly, he threw me back to the bed and said. "In your knees princess" I quickly obeyed and went on my knees sticking my ass up while my face was in the bed sheets.

He came closer to me and smacked my ass. He smacked it again, then again, "Hyunjin!" I shouted getting annoyed. "Please" I continued.

"Please what?" I could tell he was smirking.

"Hyunjin stop!!" I whined.

"Say it princess"


"Please what?"

"Please Hyunjin, just fuck me already, fuck me so hard I can't even walk anymore!!" I gave in.

"My pleasure princess" then he slammed into me to hard but stopped for a second to let me adjust a bit more. It felt as if he grew more.

He then started moving, slowly. He started going faster, picking up the pace quickly. His thrust making me scream in both pain and pleasure, mostly pleasure.

I shut my eyes tightly gripping tightly into the bedsheets. 

I felt that same feeling in my stomach again. "H-Hyunjin i-im gonna c-cum again!!" I screamed.

"Wait for me princess, let's do it together" he started going at an unhuman pace and quickly. We both came, collapsing next to each other on the bed.

"That, felt so good" I said weakly trying to catch my breath.

"Who said I was done?"


Damnnn your dirty minded stays. Oh my goshhh, go clean your brains.

Hell no, have your delulu pills 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊

You guys will need this🤞🏼

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