Chapter 23#

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I was the afternoon and I had just finished my lunch. I still couldn't get my mind off of the argument I had with Hyunjin.

And to make it worse, he left again this morning not even saying a thing to me. I even purposely left our door unlocked so he could say something, or come sleep.

But he didn't even try. It's like, everything us just falling out. I haven't even had the chance to tell him about our child. To be honest.

I don't think he wants this child. But let's not think negatively. I have just been a bitch to him these days. Starting all our arguments.

I should just listen to him for once. Do something nice and good for him, for once. I got up from the couch and was about to head up stairs to change, but then I saw a door.

One I have never seen in the house. I knew this house like the back of my hand, but I don't remember seeing a door here.

If anything, there was a book shelf here. The door looked slightly rusty. I walked to the door, and slowly grabbed the handle.

I twisted is slowly, quietly, and carefully. And luckily, it was unlocked. I opened the door, slowly, as it creaked.

The inside was suspiciously clean and smelt amazing. If the door was this bad, I expected the room to be a horrible mess.

I stepped for in the room, and slowly closed the door. Making sure not to make a sound.

I walked down a really short hallway that lead to an office. Is this Hyunjins office? I thought his was upstairs.

Suddenly, a weird thought came to me. Could this place have the answers I have been so eager to know about?

Without hesitation I speed walked over to his desk and looked through the papers there.

I stopped, and froze when I read one, placed in the corner of the table. I slowly picked it up and inspected the cover.

"Mafia Arrangements" I said to out loud.

I opened the packet and looked through it. Each page, each paragraph, each sentence. Made my eyes widened, almost like they were about to pop out.

"So he is one of those mafia people" I said scared, my voice shaking. "No, there's no way" I tried not to believe any of this.

I picked up another paper that had more information and read it out loud to myself.

"Hwang Hyunjin, south korea's best Mafia leader, a.k.a, Prince Hyunjin" this paper was more of his information. But still. This just confirmed it all.

He didn't want me to know he was a Mafia leader. Korea's most dangerous infact.


This isn't safe. It isn't safe for me or my child. Yes, I'm leaving this place, running away with my child, and never coming back.

I have to make sure I loose all contact with everyone. I have to get a new phone. Find somewhere to live.

But luckily, I have enough money for that. Not enough to keep us hidden for long. I'm gonna need help.

But from who? I can't ask anyone. Not even Jiyeon. I have to loose contact with her aswell.

Hyunjins knows me and her are best friends. He will know and possibly threaten her.

And I can't take that risk.

It's too late for me to leave now. I can pack, but not leave. I'm gonna pack not too much, but not too little. I'm gonna need a good amount of things.

If I pack now, and leave tomorrow during breakfast while Hyunjin is out, which, he most likely will be.

Can't even spare his wife some time.

I can leave then, and after I pack right now, I have to hide the bags so Hyunjin doesn't suspect a thing.

I can't even tell Jiyeon. She my best friend. I know she wouldn't give me away. But it's Hyunjin. A mafia leader. One of the worst and dangerous out there.

When I finish packing I can search for apartments. Nothing to far, but close will be the only option because if Hyunjin finds out I know about this whole Mafia thing.

He will only think I ran far, far away. So I should stay close, but not too close.


Don't kill me, but I know chapters are getting short and I promised a longer one.

But it's late here and I keep updating right before I sleep. But if I have the energy I will update again.

(Which I wont)

Don't don't worry


Mafia Arrangement ~Hwang Hyunjin ff~ Where stories live. Discover now