You two become friends

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Art credits (cover): coolygug on Twitter


You walked around the grass for a while, seeing small villages and slimes around. You liked being here at Alefgard, getting away from all of your problems. Your parents divorce and eventually living with your mom back in Chicago years ago, before moving out to live on your own at the age of 18.

Although you wanted some company.. it felt lonely after your parents split up 5 years ago and breaking up with your toxic boyfriend 2 years after, leaving you heartbroken. Not able to fall in love with someone after all of the stuff your toxic ex did.

Then your trail of thought was interrupted by a slime that has stood in front of your foot, you crouch down as you pet on top of its soft texture.

"Why hello there! Aren't you a cute thing!" You said happily, now chuckling at the thought of how cute the slime is.

You get up as the slime hops it's way to.. whatever it's up to.

You began to continue your walk outside, feeling the warm air breeze through you. You haven't had this much fresh air ever since you moved into the small town, because mostly of work and providing stuff you need to keep you living under a safe roof. While attending college as well has been hard for you, but you still manage to keep going in life.

But you still haven't made any friends once the college semester started and that bothered you..

A lot.

You didn't watch where you were going unfortunately, you bumped into someone as you fell onto the ground. Landing on your bottom.

"Ow! Hey watch where you are going!-" You shouted in anger, until you saw the guy's face.

"Oh I'm sorry! Are you alright?" The guy says now lending his hand out to you.

You take a moment to look at him, his brown hair was spiky and soft. His brown eyes shimmered in the sun, the pale skin and his lips were smooth. He's around the same age as you.

"I.." You say, now blushing at him.

God he's cute.. really cute..

"Sure" You added snapping away from your thoughts.

You held the guy's hand as he helped you up from the ground, you brushed off the dirt off of your bottom. "Sorry I didn't watch where I was going" you apologized. The hero chuckled softly "No, no it's alright!" He added.

"Say.. your new around here aren't you? What's your name?" The guy asked now putting a hand on his hip.

"Y/N L/N" You said.

"Y/N.. that's a pretty name! Well then my name is Erdrick, it's very nice to meet you!" Erdrick says with a smile.

You smile at him, Erdrick was kind enough to help you up after you bumped into him. Usually when you bumped into people they usually say sorry and go on with their day but this time it's different..

Very different.

"But uh.. to answer your question Erdrick, yes I am new here I just moved here I live in that small town over there. It isn't far" You said now showing him the town you lived in.

The hero smiled "That's great! I live a couple miles away! Say, how about you and me take a walk together? I was just done battling some monsters" Erdrick offered.

You smiled at the offer, walking with your new friend was nice. So you couldn't say no for an answer, "Sure, I don't mind! We can get to know each other along the way!" You chuckled as you began to smile, your smile lighting up like daylight.

You and Erdrick began to walk between fields and dandelions, enjoying each other's company knowing you just have made a new friend in town.

Erdrick x Female Y/N Imagines [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now