He stops by to say hello

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It's been a couple of days since you met Erdrick, you never knew that the guy you bumped into became your first friend. Of course you had your best friend, Selena. Who supported you and gave you great advice, but unfortunately you had to move away from your hometown to.. well.. here.

It's been hard moving away from Chicago to Alefgard, missing your friends and your family. Selena would often call and FaceTime you every single night, updating you on collage life and personal life. You eventually told her about the new guy you met, she was happy you met someone new. But you still missed her..

A lot.. it upsetted you.

You sighed as you put your phone down on the table, just ending the conversation with your mom on the phone. You got up from the chair as you charged your phone to the nearest charging cord, you put your hair down from the ponytail you have been wearing all day. Just to let it breathe for a while.

You began to wash your hands and decided to do the dishes since you ate some pasta last night, it was rather good since your mom teached you how to make it. So it was her homemade recipe and you enjoyed it. You bummed the songs on your phone, Demi Lovato's songs playing on the speaker of your phone. Until you heard a knock on the door.

You stopped the music on your phone pressing pause, you dry off your hands on the cloth that was next to the counter. "Coming!" You shouted.

You ran towards the door brushing the hair off of your face, you opened the door and see it was Erdrick. Standing there.. smiling at you. "Hey Erdrick!" You said smiling at him, The hero smiled at you back now seeing your long hair. "H-hey Y/N! How are you? I.. decided to come by to say hi and to check up on you, of course" Erdrick explains to you.

You take a look at him, his cheeks turning a light pink, him scratching behind of his neck. Stuttering.. was it the first time he saw you with your hair down?

"That's sweet of you Erdrick, thanks for checking up on me! But are you alright? Your cheeks are heating up" You noticed.

You step outside now standing a bit close to him, now staring at him. The hero blushed more from your pretty face.. and so did you.

"Y/N.. you're.. you're a bit too close.." Erdrick said now looking away, his face heating up now.

You blushed too, what the fuck were you doing!?

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Erdrick! I just thought your face was heating up because uh.. nevermind that! I'll just head inside now!" You added now completely embarrassed of what you did.

What the fuck was that Y/N?! You completely embarrassed him!

You quickly run back to the door, completely embarrassed. "No Y/N wait! It's okay!" The hero said, you stop at his words. You look at him as you tilt your head, "really? Are you sure Erdrick? I felt like I made you embarrassed.." you admitted, clear in your voice that you were upset.

Erdrick frowns, he didn't mean to make you upset and feel bad. "Yes I'm sure! It's because.. i never seen you with your hair down and you look very pretty! I think it's cool!" The hero admits now chuckling softly.

You blush, you never received any compliments ever since you gotten here, so it was quite a surprise that you gotten a compliment from him.

"R-really? Oh wow.. I- thanks! I'm quite flattered Erdrick!" You replied now blushing a little.

The hero thanked you as you open the door for him, "Want to come inside? I was just finished making pasta!" You asked.

Erdrick shakes his head side to side, "no it's alright Y/N I was actually getting some fruit for my mother but, thanks for the offer! Maybe I can stop by again at your place and we can hang out there! How does that sound?" The hero explains, hoping this doesn't effect you.

You frown a little but after what he just told you, you understood. "Oh alright! That's fine by me! Thank you for understanding Erdrick, I hope you get the fruit for your mom! I will see you again soon!" You responded happily.

Erdrick chuckled as he nodded once more "Yes I will see you again soon, Y/N! Oh wait!" Erdrick says now holding your rist, stopping you from going inside your home.

"Yes Erdrick?"

"Can I..? Can I have your number? It would be easier for me and you to contact each other! Just in case anything happens!" The hero explains, slowly letting go of your rist. You smile softly at him, chuckling. "Sure Erdrick!" You responded delightedly at him.

Erdrick smiles as he takes out his phone from his pocket, you did the same. You exchange numbers, putting Erdrick's phone number in your saved contacts. You put a little ":)" right next to his name, you thought it was funny and quite charming.

"Thanks Y/N! I'll text you later, alright?" He says.

"Mhm!" You mumbled, knowing that was a yes. "Yes! Will do Erdrick, I'll text you later!" You respond back to him.

You watch him make his away towards the market that was across town, you were happy that you got his number as well. And you couldn't wait to tell your best friend all of this tonight.

Erdrick x Female Y/N Imagines [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now