He comes over to your house while your best friend is here.

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Art credits (cover): I don't know who the artist is of the image of Erdrick, if anyone knows please tell me by commenting so I can add it to the story!

You got a text message from your best friend Selena, she was coming to Alefgard for the weekend. You were super excited that she was coming over, you missed her a lot and you were happy to see her again after so many months of not seeing your best friend. She told you that she was gonna come over for the weekend, just to stay for a while at your place and then going back to New York. It was pretty far but you loved it when Selena come over to your place in Chicago and now here.

Selena just arrived at your house, she knocked on the door. You ran over, feeling excited that your friend is finally here.

She's here! Selena is here! MY GIRL IS HERE!!

You opened the door, seeing the girl's face and her black hair and her blue eyes. "SELENA!!" You yelled out giving her a hug. "Y/N!!" Your best friend called out, wrapping her arms around you in return. You stop hugging her as you let her inside, "Come in Sel!! How's the flight!" You asked.

"God it was long! But it was totally worth it!"

You smiled at your friend as she sat down on the chair, "You want something to drink Selena? I got water, soda, green tea. Anything you need!" You questioned. "Water is fine, girl!" Your best friend answered. You opened the refrigerator door as you got the water bottle out of it and you closed the door.

You walked towards the girl, handing her the water bottle. "Here you go girl!" You added, Selena smiled at you her blue eyes sparkling. "Thanks Y/N!" Selena replies.

You and Selena began to talk about college, the exams, new friends and boys of course.

"So how's collage been Y/N? Do you plan to go in person soon?" Selena questions.

You have been doing college virtually since there's very little colleges here, so you have been doing it virtually. Attending New York University for your first year, you plan to go to the college in person for the second semester. But you are afraid to leave Erdrick here all by himself and you don't want to do that.

"It's going okay, I have a couple assignments to do but yes I plan to go back in person by next semester!" You answered.

"That's great! Then we can hang out together and go to so many parties!" The girl replied back now putting her arm around your neck.

You chuckle nervously you never liked parties, mainly what your ex did. He fought some of your other friends that he thought that they were hooking you up, but that wasn't true. So you haven't went to any parties since that day..

"Oh! By the way, how's that Erdrick guy you have been talking to? Anything interesting happened between you two?" Selena questions now smirking at you.

You chuckle at her smirk, "it's going great so far! We have been talking a lot ever since we met! He's just.. so.." You say but you feel your cheeks heat up a little.

"So what?" Selena questions.

You were about to continue your sentence as your phone chimes, pulling it out of your pocket and seeing the text message from Erdrick.

Erdrick: Hey Y/N! Do you mind if I come over to your place?

You smiled at the text message and the little smiley face as well, it made you happy.

Y/N: My friend Selena is here at the moment but yeah you can come over so you can meet her!

Erdrick: oh really? Well alright, I'll stop by and say hi! See you there! :D

Erdrick x Female Y/N Imagines [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now