Lifelong Trauma

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!!Content warning!!

Mentions of: Abuse, hebephilia(grooming of a young teen), manipulation, heavy topics

This is a poem with no regard for decent rhythm or structure, it is completely free-form.

The topic is the trauma I still carry with me from a previous relationship. The person I dated was, and still is, manipulative, emotionally and psychologically abusive and narcissistic and after dating me, they groomed a minor into dating them. 

Crazy how you haven't changed
You haven't changed at all
Since we were children
You haven't changed at all

Excuse me, it's true, you changed
A little after all, it seems
'Cause now you like a game I liked
Back when we were small

Your personality stayed the same
It's been 10 years, come on!
Abused, manipulated me
You saw nothing wrong at all

You're a monster, an extra awful monster
And you cause nothing, but lifelong trauma
Why can't I stop thinking about you?
It's probably my lifelong trauma
It hurts, it hurts, someone help me, please!
It's here to stay, the lifelong trauma

I won't deny, I wasn't perfect
Was bad, destructive, inexperienced
I see what I did wrong and grew
You haven't changed at all

Those twinkling eyes say sorry, yes
But never knowing why
Whatever you said sorry for
You've already done again

I blame myself, you know
Not for what you wished I would
I blame myself for what you did
That kid is who I'm sorry for

What a monster would kiss a kid
So young with lifelong trauma
An adult like you sure shouldn't
Again with the lifelong trauma
Now he thinks there's nothing wrong
'Cause you caused him lifelong trauma

Rewiring brains is your specialty
Easier task when they are young
An army of children, at your disposal
Their lives will never be the same

You love them young, with developing brains
That's how you met your boyfriend
Impressionable and lonely is best
And I blame myself for it

I see what you really are, you beast
You caused me lifelong trauma
Yet my brain holds on to you
Because of lifelong trauma
You say, "You're obsessed with me!"
When it's my lifelong trauma 

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