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Many nights I lay awake. Remembering, thinking about the trauma I carry with me. Because of you. And I ask myself: Why do you simply refuse to be a good person? You could simply change. You could stop being bad. You've been told time and time again what you've done wrong.

But instead, you simply write every critique off as "toxic". It's abuse, you say. It's torment, it's people being out to get you. Completely ignoring how you left a trail of traumatized people behind you. But you're not to blame, no, they are at fault.

Maybe it's because I'm autistic. Maybe it's because I suck at understanding things like that. But I simply can't comprehend why you won't just change for the better. Over the years, all you've done is get worse and surround yourself with people who will only enable that. Kids you manipulated into yes-men.

I get you probably have some narcissism disorder or whatever, but my brain simply can't accept that people refuse to be good. I hope and hope that one day you realize the horrid things you've done and you'll wake up and make all the necessary changes.

But it will never happen, right? You will always be a monster, right?And my hope that people can be good will be crushed for good some day.

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