01: In Order For Us To Live Happily

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"Tay! We are home!"

"We?! You mean Zed as well?! Welcome home, you two!!!!"

In the early morning, Zed woke up with Aeiou's head on his chest. He looked at the window and saw that the sky outside was still dark. He bent his head down and kissed the top of Aeiou's hair before carefully holding Aeiou's head and laying it on a pillow. Then, he got out of the bed slowly.

Throughout the process, Zed didn't make a noise. He walked towards the door carefully and held the knob slowly. He twist it, opening it and going straight to the kitchen.

Waving the curtain away, which separated the kitchen and the dining table, the aroma of boiled beef wafted against Zed's nose strongly. Zed found Philip stirring a large pot. "Good morning, Tay."

Philip turned his head to Zed in surprise. Once he recovered, he nodded. "Good morning!" He looked at his wrist watch and squinted his eyes. "It's five in the morning. Are you not comfortable in Aeiou's room? Is the bed too small?" he asked as he stir the pot carefully.

Zed took two steps closer to Philip. He shook his head. "Everything's fine, Tay." I'm so comfortable having half of Aeiou's body lay on top of me. Hehe... "Uh... Do you need any help?"

"I'm good, thank you. Go back to sleep now. You two have school, right?"

"It's fine, Tay. I always wake up early to cook. It's a habit now that I can't break."

Philip hummed. "Oh yeah? So that's why you really want to help. Well, if my son wants to, why not? By the way, can you teach me the recipe of that cheesecake you brought before."

Zed's eyes light up. "Sure!"

"Hahaha... Where did you learn to cook?"

"My mom taught me when I was young. I learned to cook pancakes first but I stopped making pancakes after she died. I always remember her everytime I eat it."

A light of melancholy flashed on Philip's face. His expression went from joyful to very sad, "I'm so sorry about your mother. She's probably a good woman, judging by how well you turned out."

Zed looked down and nodded. But he recovered and looked up again with a smile on his face. "I'm all good now! I am happy, and I know that's what she wants for me." Suddenly, as Zed was about to ask what he could actually help Philip with, he remembered how Philip and his mother's pancakes tastes suspiciously alike. Zed's brows squinted, he looked at Philip seriously, "Can I ask you a question, Tay?"

"Hmm? What is it?" Philip started pouring the potatoes on the pot and stirred them carefully. All through out the process his eyes was on the beef stew but his ears were listening to Zed.

"Did you invent that pancake recipe?"

Philip's hand frozed. He looked up and stared at the wall for a second. Once he spoke again, his voice was sad. "No."

Zed's brows squinted even more, and his suspicion grew even more. He cleared his throat. "Where did you get it? A magazine?"

"Uh... No. I got it from a friend who is not with us anymore. May God bless her soul."

When Zed heard that, his eyes widened. Suddenly, he started gulping every second and his heart beats fast. What if Aeiou's mother was actually Zed's mother?!

"Where did you... you... you... meet this friend?"

Philip's eyes turned sad even more and he heaved a sigh. "Uh... How do I put it? We met..."

Before Philip could finish, a hand tapped Zed's shoulder, and a baritone voice echoed behind him, "Zed?" interrupting Philip's big revelation.

Zed turned to his back and saw Aeiou staring at them. Aeiou was only wearing his boxer shorts.

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