04: Sick

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In the afternoon, during their Mathematics class, the sound of marker screeching against the whiteboard echoed around the room. Zed heaved a heavy sigh looking at the whiteboard. It was not that he wasn't good at Math, he just found it boring and all students found the last period really boring as well. Well, Zed found everything in this school boring except...

When Zed's eyes went to the back of the head of the person sitting in front of him, who was attentively looking at the teacher, Zed instantly smiled. Zed thought, Aww, he looks so cute when he's focused. Let me break his focus.

Zed lifted his one foot out of his black shoes then he put it under Aeiou's bum.

Aeiou jolted a bit. He looked over his shoulder with a death stare. "Can't you wait until tonight?" His teeth gritted like a dog that was about to bite.

Earlier, Aeiou decided to switch seats with Zed. With no particular reason why. Aeiou just sat on Zed's seat without warning instead of sitting behind Zed. At first Zed did not like the idea, but then he realized he could keep an eye on Aeiou the whole afternoon if his husband sits in front of him so he happily sat on Aeiou's former seat.

Now, he got to do all he wanted behind Aeiou, Zed leaned backwards until his muscular back touched his cold seat, still not withdrawing his foot between Aeiou's butt. He smirked. "Can't wait."

"Fuck you."

"Yes, please do."

Zed started moving his toes against Aeiou's hole and that instantly gave Zed the reaction he wanted. Aeiou's shoulders went up and down and head looked sideways to see if anyone was looking. Luckily, everyone was either too busy staring at the blackboard or too busy staring at the clock waiting for it to hit four.

The weight on Zed's foot became heavier as Aeiou's body tensed. Aeiou looked over his shoulder again with his eyes darkening. "Move it or you'll regret it tonight."

"Oh really?" Zed wriggled his toes even more. "I'd love to see you try."

Aeiou jolted from those movements. He put his arms on his desk and plastered his forehead against them as if he had already surrendered and just waited for Zed to finally lose interest.

But seeing this, Zed's chest started to heat up instead. If only he could pull Aeiou out of this class and pull his pants down and suck his very sensitive hole inside the bathroom, he would. But Aeiou did not want both of them being left behind with the lessons.

Suddenly, to Zed's surprise, Aeiou stood from his seat.

Zed quickly withdrew his foot before anyone could see it. He stared at Aeiou with bewilderment.

The teacher stopped writing and looked at Aeiou. "Yes, Mr. Revelderio?"

Zed moved his head to the side to see Aeiou's face. And what he saw made him gulp.

Aeiou's face was red as an apple, he was biting his lips and his breathing was so heavy everyone in the room could hear the air coming out of Aeiou's mouth, not to mention his shoulders were also moving up and down. For a moment, Zed felt bad for what he did, but in the next second he felt his blood rush to his cock. Aeiou looked really horny with that face.

Zed thought, Fuck, I need to get him out of here and suck him dry somewhere.

The teacher put down the marker. "Are you sick? You look like you're about to collapse. You have asthma?"

Zed immediately stood from his seat. "He's not feeling so well since we woke up this morning, Sir. I'll take him home."

The teacher looked over Aeiou's shoulders. "Wait. What do you mean 'we'?"

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