06: First Blood

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The sky was already dark yet the road was bright due to the two bright headlights of a Cabriolet running on the street. Inside the Cabriolet, with his legs crossed and eyes on the steering wheel moving on its own, Aeiou's jaws dropped in disbelief. 

Aeiou knew Zed was the son of Henry Nuevas, an inventor of weapons of mass destructions, but he really didn't knew how serious that was until tonight. He shook his head. "He really is the son of a war monger, huh? I wonder what his father is actually like," he whispered before looking away from the steering and to the window. 

The image Henry Nuevas appearing before him that morning flashed before his eyes. Those dark blue eyes that Aeiou thought belonged only to Zed, appeared before him but instead of a cold raging ocean amidst the storm, what he saw was a calm lake but with raging waters right beneath. Henry's eyes were gentle, very opposite to Zed's cold and murderous orbs. But that was exactly the reason why Aeiou knew that Henry was hiding something.

His eyes were calm, but that weird kind of calm that you couldn't see through. Like a calm lake in the night, you couldn't see what was beneath. However, since it was calm in the surface, you dive quickly. Then, suddenly you realized that the current beneath the surface was raging and unforgiving. Before you know it, you were swallowed into its depths and swimming back into the surface is impossible.

It was like Zed's eyes. However, with Zed, you already know not to dive in carelessly, but with Henry, you drop all your guard down and you jump carelessly.

Aeiou snapped back into reality when the car stopped. He looked in front of him and saw a well-lit pharmacy. He opened the door and walked to the pharmacy to get what he need. The process of getting painkillers were smooth, there were no other customers around and the pharmacist was quick on his feet too. Aeiou went back to the car and set the next location back to his house by swiping on the screen. The car moved on its own and ten seconds later Aeiou was on the road again back to their apartment building. 

Aeiou looked outside the window, enjoying the view of the moon's reflection on the dark sea.

Then suddenly, "Warning! Warning! Projectile incoming!" a disembodied voice of a woman echoed around the car.

Startled, Aeiou looked at the screen where he swiped the location of where to go. The screen in front of Aeiou turned red and one word was written on the screen.

"Escape mode!"

Like a lightning from a clear blue sky, a white projectile shot through the windbreaker causing the glass to shatter. Aeiou was quick to cover his eyes with his arms to protect him from the shattered glass. He looked and to his surprise, a silver spear was stabbed right through the driver's seat while the car was still driving. Aeiou's eyes widened.

"Bulletproof glass breached! Calling the police! Do not get out of the car!"

That spear was five rulers long and five inches thick. If someone was sitting on the driver's seat their heart would be pierced instantly. At first it was fear that went all over Aeiou's body because who'd be strong enough to shoot this big spear and destroy a bulletproof glass? But soon his blood rushed to his head. 

If Zed was driving, his heart would be pierced.

Aeiou's fists clenched, and his eyes turned red. He reached for his pocket to get his phone but suddenly two huge lights flashed before the car. Aeiou crossed his arms in front of his face in surprise, causing him not to know what was going to happen next. 

What Aeiou didn't know was that there was a huge truck in front of him and it collided with the Cabriolet head on.

"Boogsh!" Glasses and metals thrashing together, they created thunderous sounds harmonizing with the roars of the sea. 

The Cabriolet, given its small body against a large truck, flew out of the road and into the shore. Smashing against rocks and sands seven times before it finally came to a stop. It settled upside down on the sand, its front crashed like a metal can, whoever is sitting on the passenger seat and the driver's seat would surely be minced meat. 

Meanwhile, the truck stopped on the road easily. The metal door opened and a man wearing an all black suit with a helmet went down from the driver's seat, after him was nine more men with the same build and outfit coming out behind the truck armed with  M27 rifles strapped across their bodice. They jumped of the road and walked into the shore where the Cabriolet was. They quickly pointed their rifles at the crushed car. Truly, who would be so careful in approaching a car in that situation, surely anyone would be dead if they were inside that car! Still, they walked slowly as they surround the car as if they were really careful. Maybe because these men were all professional hence they were still careful despite the successful mission. Suddenly, those men fired right at that car without mercy, filling each side of the car with holes. 

The first man that got out of the truck raised his fist, and the firing stopped instantly.

There was only the sound of the waves washing away against the sand. No movement from the Cabriolet at all. The men that fired against that car put down their guns. One guy slapped the other's shoulder and every men their shouted in joy. 

"Yes! We did it!"

"Wooh! We are now millionaires! I'll send my daughter to Harvard after this!"

"Well, that was easy." The other one sighed in relief.

The first man that came down the truck tucked his gun behind him. "What do we even expect from two youngsters like them? Don't understand why Boss wants us to be so careful." He turned his back from the car and said, "Get the corpses and put it inside the body bags. Boss requested their bodies."

"Yes, Sir!" They chanted.

Still, no movement from the cabriolet was heard. With all the bullet holes and the crushed body of the car, there was no way someone would be alive to see tomorrow. Truly, it was safe to assume that Aeiou Revelderio was dead.





Minutes before Aeiou's death, holding his phone and with his stomach against the bed, Zed watched as the Cabriolet drive away from the pharmacy. He could not sit on the bed as his ass was sore from the Godly speed of Aeiou's fucking. Who would have thought his husband was this good and unforgiving at topping? 

Zed sighed but then he smiled. He would definitely bottom again next time. 

Suddenly, Zed's phone vibrated and the screen turned red. "The Cabriolet is under attack!"

With his eyes wide opened and his face turning white, Zed quickly ran outside of the room and rushed out of the house in top speed. 

Philip saw him running from the kitchen and asked loudly, "Where are you going?!"

"Call the police, Tay! Aeiou is in danger!"

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