03: Winner

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Aeiou and Zed ran quickly as they got out of the car thirty minutes before the class started. They made a deal that whoever reaches their seat first tops tonight.

Aeiou dashed away extremely fast that the winds made sound as he ran quickly leaving Zed behind. He reached the school building's glass door first while Zed was twenty meters behind him still. He placed his hands on the cold mirror door and gave it a push, sprinting in quickly to the direction of the elevator.

Once he reached the elevator, Aeiou quickly clicked the upward button. Thankfully, the elevator quickly opened. Aeiou went inside and did not even look back as he clicked the close button rapidly. "Come on! Fucking close!"

By this time, Zed had just pushed the glass door open of the building. He stopped in front of the door, looking around him and once he saw Aeiou inside the elevator, a smirk grew on his lips.

"Fuck!" Aeiou smiled as the door starts to close.

However, as much as Aeiou was faster than Zed, that did not mean that Zed was slower than the door. Zed reached the elevator quickly and when the elevator doors were only an inch apart, Zed slid his fingers between that remaining space and split the door open with his strength.

The elevator lights flickered and the whole elevator quivered a bit. The elevator lights died and Aeiou's jaw dropped.

Zed looked at Aeiou with a smirk on his face and snickered. "Uh-oh. Looks like we have to use the stairs," he said before he smiled devilishly as if he didn't need to call his cousin Jaspher after school to pay for this elevator.

Thinking about the amount of money Zed had to pay, Aeiou felt his head hurt. He bit his lip, wanting to scold Zed but on second thought, he knew he had to win. He looked beside Zed and saw a space on his right side. He bent down, rushing to get out of the elevator. But as much as he was fast, if the action was anticipated, it was pointless.

Two strong arms hugged Aeiou's waist, and the next second Aeiou felt a hard and strong body pressing against his back.

Aeiou looked over his shoulder. Zed smiled at him.

"Let me go!" Aeiou put his one foot forward as an attempt to run but in the next second he only found himself floating from the floor.


Suddenly, before he could protest, he felt something soft, wet, and cold on his neck. Those three things could only mean one thing, a kiss.

Aeiou blushed. "Oi! We are at school!" He tried to push Zed's arm off him but it was just pointless. It was like trying to remove a big and heavy chain around your waist.


"Public Display of Affection is prohibited around school premises," a formal voice said.

Aeiou and Zed turned their heads to their right and saw neatly brushed hair. They looked down to see that person's face and they found a serious face with eyes staring at them coldly.

Zed coldly said, "It's the formal guy with no love life."

Aeiou smacked Zed's arm harshly. "Shut up." He gave the person a smile. "Hey there, Hansel! How are you?"

Hansel cleared his throat and responded with no emotions, "I'm good. I can see that the two of you are doing... weirdly well. But PDA is forbidden here."

"We are just hugging. I saw students kiss here before, just leave us alone." Zed demanded.

Hansel was speechless. "Do you mind if I take the elevator with you guys... What the?!" Hansel's eyes widened as his stare landed on the elevator doors. His formality got dropped in an instant when he saw the elevator.

The edge of the doors has crippled parts of Zed's hand marks on the steel. Truly, Zed would not be able to deny it was him. "Zed? You!? Why would you damage...?! Well, ehem... How do you plan on paying for this elevator?" Hansel asked formally.


Hansel took a deep breath again before his firm voice echoed once more, "Okay. I'll give you the breakdown later."


Aeiou then tapped Zed's arm and with a serious undertone he said, "Put me down."

Surprisingly enough, Zed put Aeiou down gently until Aeiou's foot touched the ground. Then, Zed removed his arms around Aeiou's waist.

Aeiou pulled his uniform down to straighten the cloth and then turned to Zed and Hansel. "Let's go up the stairs together?"

Zed's eyes squinted. "What about the deal...?" Before Zed could react he felt a warm and big hand covering the lower half of his face. No one was ever fast enough to catch Zed off guard aside from one person, Aeiou.

Aeiou pinched Zed's abdomen with his other hand and looked at Zed with a deadly stare. His eyes spoke, Don't you dare!

Hansel couldn't help but ask, "What deal?"

"Nothing!" Aeiou answered.


On the stairs, Zed and Aeiou walked side by side with Hansel behind them, but as soon as Zed and Aeiou stepped on the third floor they dashed out quickly, leaving Hansel in the steps in shock as the two rushed to their classroom.

Hansel gritted his teeth but still managed to gather himself and spoke, "No running in the hallways." His voice barely echoed in the hallway. The sounds that could be heard were only the loud steps of Zed and Aeiou's black shoes against the floor.

Aeiou reached the door first, Zed just came five seconds after Aeiou. Clearly the winner was Aeiou.

Aeiou turned his back to the door and watched as Zed came with a smirking face.

Aeiou smirked back. "You might as well walk as much as you want today because after tonight you won't be able to. Hahahaha!" Aeiou laughed devilishly.

"What makes you think I'll suggest a contest of speed against you if I don't want that?"

Hearing this, Aeiou's face flushed.

Zed took three steps closer until he was face to face with Aeiou. He lowered his head to Aeiou's right ear and his deep chiseled voice sounded like gentle winds as he spoke, "I don't care if I bottom or top, Aeiou. I'm just curious about what you can do with that delicious cock of yours."

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