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"You're accepted." Fukuzawa lends his hand for you to shake.

You shake his hand, smiling.

"Sorry for the damage, yeah?" You sweatdrop.

"It's quite alright. Atleast you fixed the agency back." Fukuzawa smiles at you.

"Yeah, and sorry for... doing that to kunikida."

"It's okay. But... I did not expect you to do that much damage to him that he ended up with... Yosano. I guess Ranpo was right about you-"

A scream erupted from Yosano's office.

Both you and Fukuzawa sweatdrop.

"I'm sorry again.."

"Don't apologise... You're accepted in the agency."

"Yeah... Thanks again for giving me this opportunity."

Fukuzawa nods.


Let me explain you what that is...


Kunikida waited for you to start the fight.

You waited for him to start it.

Let's just say...

Kunikida made a mistake by starting the fight.

End of flashback

You sweatdrop at the flashback.

"That doesn't matter. Go on a date with me again!!" Dazai smiles as he forwards you his hand.

"No, I don't want to."

Dazai frowns as you realise how mean that sounded.

"Um, I didn't mean it in a rude way, I just... Um.. I just want to go home!" You smile.

Dazai nods understandingly.

"Would you like me to drop you off?" He smiles.

"Are you sure? I can walk on my own..." You reply, not wanting to bother him.

"I insist!" He says happily.

"Okay then... By the way, is Atsushi okay?..."

"Yeah, he's fine! This is juuust the way he is." He replies as his smile twitches a bit, wondering why you cared about Atsushi so much.

"Okay then.." You signal for him to come as he understands and nods, following you.

Five minutes later.

After you talk to Dazai about some topics- well, mostly suicide, you reach your house.

Dazai makes an 'o' face as he looks at your house.

"Your house looks so nice! Do you live alone?"

'I stopped living alone after the seventy-fifth man stalked and decided to propose me when I was playing Genshin...' You sweatdrop a bit.

"I live with my brother and my mother." You respond.

"That's quite nice. I'll be off now, okay? Before Kunikida wakes up and starts blabbering on how I didn't finish my paperwork.." Dazai mutters but you still hear him.

You muffle your laugh with your hand.

Dazai blushes a little.

"I- Bye..." Dazai says in a small voice.

You smile and wave off to him.

Dazai walk some steps away.

He finally musters his courage up and takes a deep breath. He turns towards you, and says-

"Belladonna, will you go on a double-suicide with me?"

Dazai holds his breath and sees if you will reject him or not, his fingers crossed.

Your eyes widen a little bit as you hear this. You smile.

"Yeah, sure. Maybe later." You smile charmingly.

Dazai processes the newly found information in his head. After he realises what you said, he turned redder than a tomato.

He didn't say anything and turned back to go back to the agency.

You heard him mutter: "Now... i can die peacefully.." From afar.

You go inside of your house.

Dazai POV

I walked back to the agency, all red and messed up.

As I went in the agency, I saw that Ranpo was back from buying his... necessities.

I ignored him and concentrated on what happened just now.

"Hey, Dazai. This that girl Y/N come here today?" Ranpo said as he munched on his pack of chips.

"Yeah..." I said in a small voice.

Ranpo stopped eating for a bit.


He continued eating after thinking for a while.

"Can I have a chip?"

"No. Get your own."

End of POV

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