After the finals, Jim went home to relax and then had to pick up his little brother from a party the middle school had. Maddie, his girlfriend, had to pick up her sister and they decided to car pool to pick up both of the middle schoolers. When they approached the school Draco's senses flared, alerting Jim to danger. There is a group of men who have captured the humans inside. Draco warned. "Maddie, there are kidnappers in there and me and Draco will have to rescue them." Jim said as he put his hand on her shoulder, a comforting gesture that niether knew would change their lives forever. "Ahhh!" Maddie gasped as she doubled over in the passenger seat. "Why does my chest burn!?" she screamed, but Jim knew why and explained, "No worries, you're dragon is awakening. I don't know why, but it is so listen to her." Her dragon is angry and an angry dragon is not one you want to cross paths with. Draco said. "And she doesn't have the element of surprise and may be stopped before she can fully control her summoning." Jim realized and quickly got out of the car and called upon Draco for speed while he chased after Maddie
Maddie was about to burst trough the doors, using her new dragon strength to knock them off their hinges, when a hand with an unnaturally powerful grip stopped her and pulled her into the shadows. "Maddie you can't just burst through, you'll be stopped. I'll create a distraction." Jim said. "Fine! But I get to attack the kidnappers." Maddie pouted. Jim morphed scales onto his body and slipped away. Jim reappeared by a wall of the room the kids are being kept in and dug his claws in to the wall and called upon Draco for a final burst of strength before he finishes the distraction. Jim ripped an entire section of the wall out to create a gaping hole for the kids to escape. Meanwhile Maddie finally calmed down and heard her dragon calling to her. Maddie finally, imagine a gate opening and a dragon flying out. This will complete the summoning and I will be able to take over and trap the kidnappers. Maddie saw what happened when Jim did this and decided to comply. Maddie felt the transformation in her body complete itself and her dragon slipped into the room and waited for the kidnappers to burst through. When they did she burst out of the shadows, two tons of pure scales and muscle, pinning them o the ground. She burned their guns to cinders with a stream of dragonfire. When the cops got there Maddie had hung them on the flag pole and had to get them down. Draco flew overhead and Maddie's dragon took flight to follow.
Maddie shifted back to her human body and Jim landed and shifted back. "Let your dragon explain herself and then we will find a dragonkin to teach us how to master our powers." Jim said, sitting on a stump and waiting. He's right ,I am Dracana your dragon self, and we need to find a master to teach us and to hide us from the government. "Jim, why do we have to hide from the government?" Maddie asked. Because once they here of kids who can turn into dragons they will recruit you and force you to fight wars for them, and dragonkin don't like to get involved in wars. We will tip the balance of power to far into one country's favor. Draco rumbled. "He's right, but we don't know how to find a dragonkin master. So, let's wait until we figure it out." Jim admitted. And so they flew home and realized they forgot to drive their sibling home so, they flew back and drove home with their siblings.