The Return

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Jim and Maddie returned home and explained to their parents what had happened. "Jim Dracana senses a human hiding by our houses and our work, we flew by and she told me." Maddie said, "The government must be watching us but we can't be sure. Let's jump 'em and ask why they're hiding in the bushes." Jim whispered.
"Sir the targets have returned home, requesting backup and immediate orders concerning actions while waiting for backup." The spy whispered into his communicator. Howard here, backup is in the apartment building across the street signal, then report back to base for debriefing. I will arrive to question the targets soon. "Got it." Replied the soldier. "Spy 1 to capture team, targets are in the house move in, repeat move in." He signaled and quick darted across the street when he was taken down by a speedy force. Then the soldiers burst through the door of the building and we're immediately blasted aside by a strong wind burst. In a tangled heap the soldiers untangled themselves to face the two teens. "Freeze!" The soldiers shouted but Maddie replied by slamming her staff into the ground and now they were in a glowing field of energy. "Welcome to the battlefield! This place is hidden from the world and know one will see our battle, so we can use our powers." Jim shouted. The soldiers opened fire, and had all confidence in their victory, but the tranquilizer darts were frozen solid by Maddie's staff. Jim charged with his sword swinging, the soldiers fell back and fired on Jim but they were cut in half as they approached him. "You have to try harder than that dudes, I'm getting bored." Jim laughed, "Now it's your turn to freeze." And then Maddie shot a blast of energy from her staff and froze the soldiers where they stood.
The battlefield disappeared and the spy realized he was in the room where his companions were waiting. He went to stand but realized he was tied to a chair. "Now when is the General arriving?" Maddie asked, "And don't try to say you're not with him we know you and your friends work for him." She then threatened him with the bladed end of her staff. "Your stick doesn't scare me girlie. Now let me go he has already landed and is coming for you tomorrow," He cringed, "I just talked didn't I?" He asked. "Yep." She said and then swung the staff through the granite counter. The two halves of the counter fell off their foundation and the spy was wide-eyed. "Now you wish you were scared of my 'stick' now, huh,?" She mocked as she left the room. "Yeah, her staff is scarier than my sword, don't make fun of it or next time she may not hit the counter." Jim warned and followed his girlfriend out.
"How did they manage to subdue all of you!" General Howard shouted at his soldiers, "They are just two kids how could they possibly beat you!" The spy stepped back. "S-s-sir they have weapons now and are much stronger, just look at what the girl did to the strike team." Then the spy showed the General to the bathroom where he was using the hairdryer that came with the room and was thawing out the ice block that is the strike team. "She's a dragon why are they frozen?" He asked, "Her staff shot a beam of energy and froze them, her staff also cut through the counter over there." And he showed the General the counter halves on the floor. "We need to capture these kids soon or we won't have our secret weapon." He muttered to himself, "Soldier keep thawing the soldiers out, I will find and capture our friends, then convince them to join our cause." He said. Then noticed Jim's note on the wall, If you dare to follow us we are at the park and we will fight every troop you send at us, with my sword and her staff.

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