Chapter Twenty Nine-Paige

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Paige was nervous. This information would change her life. One way or another, it would be different after today.

"When we get there," the professor started, "Only Paige and the Alpha should come in with me. This wolf is very nervous around other wolves let alone pack wolves. And he shouldn't know you're an Alpha. He's not around other wolves often so it's unlikely he'll be able to tell."

"How does a wolf like that stay so isolated with out losing it?"

"He's half witch, the need for connection, while there, isn't as strong and doesn't cause psychosis."

Wolves that aren't connected to packs are prone to psychosis. It's an primary need for wolves to be in packs. It's why they're so afraid of being declared rouge. Occasionally rouges would group together to try and fight the packs, but the lack of connection usually led to them falling apart quickly. The wars five years ago were harder fought because they were being led by a mated pair. They were able to make the rouges act more like a pack, but in the end they weren't able to keep it together.

"How are you and other rouges here able to avoid psychosis?" Nathan asked.

"We prefer the term unpacked wolves," the professor responded. "We are able to avoid psychosis by widening our connections. We don't limit it to other wolves. We include humans and other supernaturals. Each wolf creates their own network that functions as a pack for them."

"How long does a wolf have to make those connections?"

"Usually year, though each wolf is different. And the longer you wait the harder it is."

"And wolves who are born unpacked?"

"As far as I know it's much the same as being born in a pack. I was born unpacked so I never knew a difference, for my mate it is significantly harder. He still misses his pack sometimes."

Paige listened to Nathan and Professor Moran talk. She was glad Nathan was taking an interest. She hoped it was helping him calm down about the rouges. Unpacked wolves weren't anymore of a threat than other pack wolves.

They arrived at a small home. It was set back from the road and had large bushes out front. If you weren't paying attention it's be easy to miss. Professor Moran knocked on the door. "Jacob?" He called. "It's William, I brought that friend I was telling you about. I was right. It is my old student."

A small gray haired man answered the door. He was stooped over and was visibly nervous. He looked out through the screen door, taking them all in.

"Only you and the girl," he said to the professor. "The other wolves can wait outside."

"Jacob, one of the wolves is her mate. He's the reason we're trying to find her wolf."

The man looked pained but relented, "Okay, but no one else." They nodded and Patrick and Micah turned to look out at the street. Constantly evaluating threats.

They entered the home and saw it was sparsely furnished. Paige couldn't tell if it was minimalist or just soulless. It hardly looked like anyone lived here. There was a single chair and a couch in the living room with a small tv dinner table next to the chair as an end table. On the table there was a single lamp and a very worn copy of an old edition of The Boston Globe. Paige looked at the date and saw that it was nearly ten years old.

Jacob ushered them in and pointed to the couch. The three sat down, with Professor Moran on the end closest to the chair and Paige in the middle. Nathan kept a protective arm around Paige. She knew he was anxious being here and she knew that him holding her like this was helping him stay calm, but she'd be lying is she said it wasn't helping her too. This place was giving her the creeps. Jacob sat in the chair and pierced Paige with a look that only increased her discomfort.

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